Chapter 7

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I want to dedicate this chapter to kpgcatlover. This girl I can't even! She is one of my favorite writers on this site and honestly is an extremely incredible writer! And I would also like to thank her for adding my story to her reading list, but most importantly I want to thank her for being amazing! The amount of times her stories have taken away my stress is too high to count! And now for chapter 7!


If you have never stood on your front porch, twiddling your thumbs and constantly tucking stray strands of hair behind your ears while teetering on your toes and heels for five minutes while the guy who tricked you into a date stands in front of you staring at you up and down not making any motions of leaving movements, then you should know, it is extremely awkward.

Especially for someone like me.

After my mind clock hit the five minute mark, my weird started to show.

"So do you have any allergies?" I randomly spat out.

"Do I what?" Luke asked obviously taken out of a daze as well.

"You know allergies. Like cats or dogs, peanut butter, shellfish, gluten. You aren't one of those weird gluten people are you? I have a cousin like that. It sucks because she can never eat any of the sweets I bake." I said speaking on the fast side.

Luke eyed me cocking his eyebrow up. "Are- are you okay Pey?"

"Yep I'm fine. Perfectly fine." I said a blush forming once again on my cheeks. I turned away to hide it from Luke. There was another moment of silence. Me, well I was trying desperately to recover from my awkward allergy question. And Luke seemed to be doing the same.

"Penicillin." I heard Luke's voice ring through the air.

"Huh?" My head snapped back to face him. He must have stepped closer because when I turned, his face was closer than before. Much closer.

"I'm allergic to Penicillin. It's a medicine. My parents found out when I was a baby. I got tested for a bunch of allergies because of my older brother's long list of them." He said smiley softly. "What about you? What kind of allergies are hiding away in the infamous Peyton Stiller?"

I giggled when he poked at my side and when I heard his laugh. What is happening to me?

"Well I'm not allergic to any medicine. Or animals, which comes in handy considering my job, but that's not important. Why am I telling you that? I don't know. It's actually something weirder. Pretty fitting if you think about it-"

"Peyton!" Luke's hands grabbed the side if my face instantly shutting up my rambling mouth. The blush that had previously presided on my face multiplied by ten million. His thumbs rubbed the side of my face slowly, his warm touch spreading through my red cheeks.

"Um- your hands...they are umm...touching my face." I said pointing at his hands. I looked up at his face which was growing redder as he removed his hands.

"Peanuts." I said quietly.


"I'm allergic, to peanuts. And pomegranate. It sucks. But I've learned to live with it. Not to mention pomegranates aren't exactly in a lot of foods. And it's not a common allergy." I smiled.

He grinned and gestured a hand to the steps. "Shall we go?"

"We shall." I said.

We walked for a few minutes in silence. Apparently he wanted to walk to wherever he was taking me. At first I may or may not have accused him of kidnapping, but at least it only attracted the attention of ten people.

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