Chapter 18

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The two of us walked along together, still holding hands. It's not that I want to continue holding his hand, and it's not that I am quite ready to let go. My decision to keep it there was influenced by the fact that if I were to let go now, seeing how it has been a good ten minutes of hand holding now, it would shoot me into an awkward situation that I know will be difficult to handle.

Get it? 

Handle? Hand-le? No? 

"So hand holding makes you so uncomfortable that it sends your mind to the point that it makes puns about it?" Luke's laugh rang through my ears. I gasped slightly and turned towards him.

"What all did I say out loud?" 

"Something along the lines of why you are still holding my hand, and then a pun about hands. And if you really want to, we can stop with the hand holding." He smiled squeezing my hand with a sense of reassurance.

"No! It's- it's nice. I'm just not really used to it. I've never really dabbled in hand holding. Besides your hands are really soft."

Mentally face palming is something I have grown accustomed to.

"Why thank you! I like to moisturize." Luke smiled his laugh once again lighting up the situation.

"You what?" I laughed astounded that he would respond that way.

"I have a sister who cares about her skin! What do you expect me to do? It's very hard to avoid lotion attacks. And don't even get me started on that weird scented stuff." He said unconsciously (or so I think) squeezing my once more.

"Why? Are you afraid of a little lavender?" I teased.

"No! I love that stuff!" Well, maybe not lavender. Or...maybe it is lavender. Is lavender a fancy term for what you smell like?" He asked comically sniffing the area around me.

"No! That would be a warm french vanilla. It's pretty common. Lavender is an herb. Think of it like a spice. You know how rosemary smells? Well it's the same thing with lavender. Just a good smelling plant that women, and some men, like to spray on themselves." I explained. I don't think I have ever had to explain perfume scents to a guy. Except once for my dad. And he still didn't buy the right bottle for my mom.

"Oh. Well whatever you smell like is my favorite! That vanilla thing. It's really nice." He complimented.

"Thanks Luke." I said rolling my eyes.

We walked a little further on. By now I know that he is once again taking me somewhere to eat, and a possible surprise afterwards. But where we are eating, and obviously the surprise, are a secret. 

Today was one of those glorious days that everyone loves. Not too hot, not too cold. that perfect in between where you can where shorts and a t-shirt and have complete comfort. Practically no humidity, and an occasional breeze that felt amazing when it brushed against your skin. Dogs were being walked, families were taking outings together, and couples of all ages were out strolling and enjoying each other's presences. I have always dreamed that someday I'll have a relationship like that. When we can just go out together, take a walk or go out to eat and not think anything of it. A relationship in which we not only care and love one another, but we are the best of friends that can joke and be serious together.

But sometimes, you dream of something and that dream becomes set in stone in your mind. And you can never seem to drop it. It lurks around in your head reminding you of goals that might even be silly. And those dreams can, a lot of times, block the path for things that matter more. Family, friends, if you want to pursue education, and most importantly yourself. So I pull myself to place those things that really matter first, while still holding onto that dream, as well as many others. Because who has just one? And who's only dream is an awesome relationship? Cooking, singing, writing, it's all things I dream about. And it's all the things I try to incorporate into my daily life so they can help with more important things, while still being important themselves.

Simple Manipulationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें