Chapter 21

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Dedicated to BookOfFairyTales for being such and amazing writer and person. This girl has an amazing talent as an author and I really recommend her stories. One of them being "The BATs Take New York" and her newest story "The Ice Cream Wars". I have been addicted to her stories and instantly fell in love when I read them! Not only is she a great writer but she is just plain amazing. I got to know her pretty well over messaging and she is hilarious, sweet, and such a fun person! And a big thank you to her for her support with this story! 


I awoke in a flash to a loud banging coming from my left. While my eyes focused to the light and the fact that I was awake, I saw a faint orange blur.

"DO! NOT! WAKE! ME! UP! ON! SUNDAYS!" The aggravation in Marren's tone made it obvious to me that I forgot to turn off my alarm. Turning my head slightly I saw exactly where the banging was coming from. There in front of me, was Marren, my alarm clock, and a hammer.

"Marren careful! You might hurt the nightstand! Or well... I'm getting a new one soon so whack away. But you are taking me to get a new clock!" I groaned standing up to stretch. 

I brought my arm closer to me and examined the bruise that had finished forming over night. It took up the majority of space on my forearm, wrapping around it in the shape of a large hand print. Just the sight of it and the thoughts of the event it brought me sent shivers down my spin.

"Woah. Pey that does not look good." She took my arm gently into her own hand and poked at the bruise.

"I don't think you are supposed to poke them Marren." I winced.

"Oh yeah. Right. Sorry. The dude must have a pretty strong grip huh?"

"Well for a football, baseball, lacrosse and wrestler, I would guess he has some experience with gripping things tightly."

"Oh Peyton if only I was there! I would so beat him up! Just like before!" She announced pretending to punch someone in the face.

"Third grade doesn't count Marren. Besides, he was already suspended for hitting someone. The point that he was a horrible human being was already made known." 

"Yeah but think about it Peyton! I come within ten feet of him and he slowly starts to walk away. He's totally afraid of me. He just doesn't like to show it."

"Whatever you say Constance!" 

The rest of the morning was definitely something I had been needing. Nothing crazy or too insane (Well at least for my family) and I finally got to just sit down and read for a little while. Of course the sounds of Marren gasping, laughing, or disapproving something happened every so often. But those are just her average I'm-scrolling-through-tumblr noises. All in all, I was finally able to relieve some of my long kept in and held back stress.

"So. Are you guys, a thing now or what?" Marren proposed her thoughts to me.

"Who?" I asked lifting my head from my book.

"You and Luke. Are you guys official yet? Because I may or may not be writing a story all about your current situation and it's need information to help the story along. Plus my readers ship you guys hard." She took her hair into her hands and hoisted it up onto the top of her head shoving a pencil straight through it keeping it up.

"How did you-"

"Curly hair physics."


"Back to business." She grabbed her laptop returning it to her lap. "So, can I confirm the ship or not?"

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