"How are you doing, Riley?" May asked, smiling. Riley was pulled out of her thoughts and smiled and nodded her head, swallowing, as if to swallow her emotions. If May didn't say something sooner, the tears would have started to form. 

"I'm doing, great," Riley says, smiling. 

"If you guys want, I have a frozen pizza in the fridge you can make," Aunt May said. "I could pre-heat the oven up since I'm about to get a shower, then after that, I'll go to sleep. I've had a long day."

"Yeah, I feel you," Riley says, laughing a little. "Thank you so much."

"No problem," she said, smiling. "Anytime." She turned the oven on and left for the shower.

They both sighed at the same time. "You can unpause the movie now if you want to," Peter said, nicely.

"Okay." Riley reached over and unpaused the movie. Shortly, the oven beeped and Peter got up and put the pizza in. "Hurry up! You're missing the best part!"

Peter ran over and jumped on the couch. "Okay, I'm here."

Riley couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated moves. They reached the halfway point in the movie when the pizza was ready. "I'll grab it," Peter said.

The pizza was cooled off in 5 minutes. "I haven't had a frozen pizza for a while, we always order it," Riley comments, blowing on a piece before biting into it. 

"Really? I have them like once a week at the least," Peter said, smiling. They finished the pizza, having three slices each before going back on the couch to finish the movie. The movie was over at 7:30 and her dad would be picking her up at 7:45. 

She put all of her things back where they belonged and she said to Peter, "Thank you so much for agreeing to hang out with me, trust me I've stayed at my dad's work before, not fun."

"It's fine, I'll hang out with you anytime," Peter said, then blushing after. He did NOT mean to say that out loud.

"Aww, Peter, that's so sweet of you," Riley said, smiling at him. By the color of his face, Riley could tell that he probably didn't mean to say that. "I'm so glad we're friends."

"Yeah," Peter said, looking at her, giving a weak smile, "me too."

Fifteen minutes later, Tony picked up Riley. "See you tomorrow, Pete," She said, smiling, then waved at him. As soon as Riley hopped in the car, she realized she was still wearing his sweatshirt. Peter saw her leave with his sweatshirt on. If he wanted to be honest, he didn't really want her to give it back.

"Where'd you get that sweatshirt?" Tony asked her, raising an eyebrow. 

"Peter gave it to me, I got cold," Riley says. "Who do you think gave it to me?"

"Unimportant," Tony said, laughing. "Anyway, today. Sorry for pulling you out of school, it was kind of extra."

"Please don't say that," Riley said, cringing. "But, Peter was kind of weirded out that you called both of us out. Why did you think that was a good idea?"

"When you went downstairs to get the papers, I told him that you didn't know about Spider-man, so he would calm down," Tony says. "I also made the decision today that after this thing blows over, we are gonna call the mission off."

"Why?" Riley asked. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I just figured that by the time this is over, hopefully, Peter will have matured enough that he doesn't need watching," Tony said, starting to pull the car away.

"Oh," Riley said. But, inside, Tony knew it was because he really did trust Peter enough to do the right thing. He was a smart kid. "I guess, we can't just tell him, though right."

"Of course, of course," Tony said. "It would make him mad, I can already see it. He'll probably tell you soon, anyway."

"How do you know?" Riley asked. Her dad had been acting strange lately, maybe it was because of the girl. 

"I can just tell," Tony said. Tony's been in love before and knows the effect it has on people, especially when it comes to superheroes. He just didn't want to freak her out. 

They got home in another hour and not even 10 minutes after she got home, Riley saw the purple sparks. They were far away, but she didn't understand because last time they were closer to Manhattan, not Long Island. As compelled as she was to check it out, she decided it would be best to check with her dad. She went downstairs to where his office was and already saw him getting his suit on. Of course, he would have already known. He didn't see her and something that made Riley kind of mad was he left without saying anything to anyone. At least, that's what she thought. She headed back upstairs to her room and opened her closet door. In it, was the suit that was made for her last year. She hasn't used it for a while since Tony was so overprotective. It was only for emergencies.

She gave it a look one last time before shutting her door. Her mind drifted to Dean. She hadn't seen him all day. She shot him a text to which he replied immediately. 

R: hey :)

D: what's up? haven't seen you in a while.

R: nothing really. how did the game go?

D: we won! there were a few scouts there from notre dame

R: that's great! do you think they were interested in you?

D: yeah, they talked to me afterward. they said that they could give me a full ride there

R: that's great! are you going to go?

He never answered her. She took it into consideration that if Dean did go on the internship, he would probably go this year. To Indiana. Riley bit her lip thinking. She really didn't have time for boys. She had other matters on her hands. Then, she thought about Peter. What if he was fighting with her dad right now?

R: hey, I just realized I'm wearing your sweatshirt haha. I'll bring it into school tomorrow.

Instead of just texting him out of nowhere, her text had an actual point to it. 

Peter had gotten her text the same exact time he had been notified a location from Tony. Coincidence. As much as he wanted to talk to Riley, he opened the text from Tony. It said, 'Meet here. Purple sparks spotted.'

He had been about to go to sleep but duties call. Aunt May had already gone to sleep so he didn't have to worry about her. Peter got up, locked the door, put on his suit, and silently climbed out of his window, lodging a small book under it, so the window wouldn't fully close. 

Riley was sitting on her bed, waiting for anyone to answer her. Normally, she wasn't like this. But, now that her dad and Peter were on missions, she couldn't help but think about what they were doing. It wasn't fair that her dad never allowed her to go on missions. She knew he was just trying to protect her, but she knows about this too. 

She had a mission too. What better way to keep watch on Peter while being there with him?

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