Chapter 53: The End part 2

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Madness is somewhere in between chaos and having a dream.

                       -R.M. Drake.

Hope you guys enjoy the song. I absolutely love the dance routine in this 😍😍❤❤👌. (It's a Kpop song called Dope by BTS)

Aahotep's Pov

Life has a funny way of throwing your worst nightmares straight at you. Sometimes the blows are soft and light like a feather and other times they are like a sand storm that is ragging through the whole land, tearing up everything it touches.

As a child I was taught to embrace everything that was thrown at me even if they were bad and unpleasant, hoping that one day things turned out for the better. But today was not something I was prepared for nor ready to face. It was something I had been dreading so much that I wished the Gods would just take me instead.

"Aahotep, your hands are really cold. Are you not feeling well?" Neith asked, concerned filled her big brown eyes.

"I'm fine, just a little nervous," I said clutching her palm in mine as tight as I could. Neith being by my side gave me little relief but only a little. Even her presence couldn't help me deal with the countless emotions that tormented my soul.

"It's gonna be fine. I'll be right next to you," Neith said giving me a reassuring smile as she squeezed my palm a bit. I took in a deep breath to steady myself before Neith pushed my rolling chair out the door and towards the court or as I prefer to call it my doom.


I was sitting on the throne, a little flushed and embarrassed that I had to be carried by Baako since the only way to the throne was by climbing a flight of stairs that seemed more challenging than war strategies at my current state.

The throne always made me feel powerful whenever I sat on it. How could one not when its cushioned with goose feathers and animal skin that makes you feel like you are sitting on a fluffy white cloud. The dark, beautifully carved wood of the chair contrasted nicely with the oval shaped room. The ceiling was a beautiful turquoise colour with gold details that went well with the large carpet that graced the floor with its beautiful embroidery. The ceiling was also very high up so there was always cool breeze passing through the dome even if the day was hot.

To my right was another beautiful carved chair for the Queen to sit. That seat was now occupied by a rather unusually brave and extremely beautiful woman who was still holding my hand in hers. I wanted to smile at her but I just turned away and focused on the room instead.

The room contained a dozen council members, six on each side. There were a few old faces and the rest had been replaced with a new members that Abu personal suggested. Abu stood beside me. His presence helped ease my anxiety a bit.

This was the room where so many decisions took place. Where I had seen my father make a few crazy ones that in the course of time impacted and benefited thousands of people. But today was different. Today no matter what decision was made, my relationship with my mother would never be the same.

The creek from the double wooden doors opening pulled me out of my thoughts. Two guards stepped forward. Behind them stood a very pale woman who seemed to be extremely confused. My heart clenched on the sight of seeing my mother being dragged in, jute ropes being strapped on her pale and fragile wrist. It took all my will not to look away.

I am not ready for this.

"What is the meaning of this? Why am I being dragged to court? Aahotep?" my mother asked looking straight at me with what seemed to be a combination of confusion and fear.

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