His sleep

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He doesn't sleep well anymore

Not since depression caressed him

And took over his sleep for the worst

He wakes up at 3 AM

And just stares at the ceiling

Feeling dead inside

Feeling his soul ache from the cracks

His mind is exhausted

But it takes a lot of tossing and turning

To return to sleeping once more

Then he wakes up far too early,

Sometimes 6 AM

Sometimes 7 AM

He wakes up unsurprised

As this is ritual

He feels dissociation kick in

And let's his body simply drift

His body feels sick and tense

His head hurts

And his mind spins

The next night he'll remember

To take his pills

The doctors gave him

Then he'll only wake up once

And then his body won't take

Such a toll

Desolation Boy 2Where stories live. Discover now