He's insanity

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His life feels as if he's on a cliff

And he's hanging there

But only by his fingernails

He's thread that's stretching

Leaving that thin piece in the middle

That grips so hard for it's life

Until it snaps

He's done being patient for hope

He's done putting up with everything

He can't wait for T anymore

He can't deal with her nagging,

Treating him like he's a child

Ignoring his every word

And her constantly ever seeing him

As a girl

Simply because she refuses to let go

Of his past

He can't handle feeling numb

Nothing excites him anymore

Hardly anything makes him smile

He can't handle his school work

He can't handle everyone's pressure

Oh god the pressure

His brain speeds like light

He's a bathtub that's overflowed

He wants to scream until he can't talk

For days

He wants to run so indescribably

Far away

He just ...

Wants to be able to breathe

His soul is flickering and cracked

He needs something

To grab him out of the water

He drowns in

He's kicked and kicked in this pool

And all anyone ever does is watch him

Choke on water

Or give him a floating device

But then prick it with a needle

When they break him and let him fall

He falls to the dark abyss where his

demons hold his hand

Their eyes are just as lifeless

Their bodies are just as weak

They understand him better than

Anyone else

But they know that they're too toxic

To help him stand ...

He lays there in the dark




Wishing ...

For something ....

Please ...

Desolation Boy 2Where stories live. Discover now