These pills

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He takes two sleeping pills

Both at 1 AM

He's not supposed to

He knows

But he does

And doesn't care

His reason is to sleep as long as he can

Before having to face

Dealing with himself

His stress

And living amongst the human race 

These pills will ease his brain

And pull his thought train

To a stop

His thoughts are like cars

Racing cars

Speeding non stop

Making him insane

Making him dizzy with pain

These pills will be his escape

From dealing with himself

Who he calls an error

He's convinced he is

Why else would he be this way?

These pills will stop time

Let him sleep

Without thinking constantly

That this world will always spin

Without him

No one will crash down

If he becomes a ghost

These pills will save him

From the darkness

From the sadness

From the destruction

They will bring him somewhere

Into the dark abyss

Comforting him

Until daylight breaks through

His eyelids

Forcing them open

Forcing him 

To put his feet on the ground

And go on like a wounded soldier

Desolation Boy 2Where stories live. Discover now