(12) She's My Girl

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The jerk beside me casually slung his arm around, encircling my shoulder and gave a kiss on my head. He just did that, didn't he? What's wrong with this guy?!

"Something wrong baby?" No, what's wrong with you?! He was asking me in a casual and cool tone.

What are you playing at, jerk?

I eyed him but I can't afford to fight Sage when a shocked Sheila is in front of us looking back and forth from me to him. She's just as shocked as me but I recovered immediately.

"Nothing babe." I cleared my throat. Babe can be a little foreign. "Let's go, I'm starving." I held his hand and gripped it tightly to hurt him but he just smiled at me. Ugh!

Before we retreated, I have to give Shiela some word of advice.

"Close your mouth or the flies will make it a home."

I still didn't talk to Sage. I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the trip to school cafeteria. There were still few students inside sipping some coffee or hot chocolates. Scanning tables, I found an unoccupied one outside. The fall was showing and I love how the gentle coldness of it was sweeping the leaves.

I left Sage without any word.

Just as I thought, it was nice. The sun was so nice and so was the wind. It hit my face and I inhale its scent. The scent of the incoming winter with a little mix of summer. I wish my Mom was here with me. We could be enjoying this moment.

I momentarily closed my eyes and decided to soak in everything the nature has offered.

"Fancy a cup of hot choco?" A familiar voice broke my sunbathing.

"Stop sounding British." But then I grabbed the hot chocolate that he held.

"Girls like British accent." He simply says and starts to dig in his food.

I sipped the hot liquid slowly and feeling the warmth of the steam. "Then probably I'm not a girl."

"You're impossible." He chuckled.

"No. You are impossible. Why did you that?" I asked him.

"Do what?" Is he for real?

"You know what I meant. Why did you tell Shiela that I'm your girl?" I asked him again because this one is acting dumb.

"Because I just felt doing it. You know, fun." Fun. Jerk!

"So if I knee your balls cause I felt doing it, would it be fun?" I raised my brows at him and crossed my arms together. "I wouldn't hesitate to do it one of these days." I smirked.

His smile fell and was replaced by a grin. "You're sh*tting me right?"

I gave him my sh*t eating grin enough to make him a little pale. "Am I?"

"But I gave you a cup of hot choco!" He insisted.

My grin even became wider. "That's why I said 'one of these days', not today." I pointed out.

"Yeah it's fine. Because I'm dating the lacrosse team empress or so what would Shiela be saying to the Eastwing population." He smiled, challenging me with his eyes. Ugh! He's unfair!

"Take it back. I do want my peaceful life very much." Even if it wasn't that peaceful. "And I don't want to date you. I still don't like you."

He was surprised by my statement. We started rough and first impressions lasts. When he insulted me, it hurt me a little. But when he crossed the line about replacing Andrew in the team (which he really did not directly tell me) made me hate him even more even though my attraction to him was undeniable.

Yes, I am irrevocably attracted to him and that makes me hate him the most.

He was taken aback, or he looks like it. Guess pretty boy not all will for your feet the way you wanted.

"You're really something Hannah." He continued to eat and acted like what we were talking about was nothing.

"We make a deal. How about if you take back what you said, I would take back my threat too." I raised my hand so that we could make a deal but he just grabbed my hand and kissed it.

The f*ck?!

His face was close to mine that I could inhale his minty breath. His eyes were intense and his face was stern with seriousness. A shiver run down in my spine making me gulp. His touch, his stare, his everything made me nervous.

"I won't. Threat me all you want Hannah but I'm not taking it back."

With that he grabbed my bag and slung it on his left arm while he never let my hand go, firmly holding it and interlacing my fingers between his.

Sage's timing was impeccable, just like what happened when we first met. The bell rang for the first subject. I told him to let me go but he insisted on walking me to class. I looked at him sarcastically.

"Were on the same class." I told him. "Almost all my subjects."

"I know." He just shrugged and smiled, still holding my hand as he led the way to the class.

Everybody was noisy before we came in like what the students do before the teacher comes. Talk about the latest celebrity gossips, or the assigned work because apparently, that's what I was working last night when the English prof gave us an assignment even if the classes just started.

But because Sage was holding my hand, the class fell silent. It was more silent than the professor coming inside the class.

My first gaze landed on Andrew who was as shocked like the rest except for Toby who was grinning from ear to ear. Veronica rolled her eyes so I matched his stare with something that will annoy her. I even held Sage's hands firmly in mine just to smite her.

But then Andrew's face, turned into an ugly smug. Irritation was evident the way his brows creased. Of course, he thinks I'm dating the guy that will probably end his career as a team captain.

And it did broke my heart. The smirk on my face was long gone. My head hung low from it. He sees me as a friend who betrays.

I did not move to sit so Sage dragged me by my hand to our seats. He then put my bag down and I sat down without looking at him. He was beside me and I can feel his gaze but I didn't throw a slight look at him.

F*ck this.

It's my fault anyway for not fighting him when I had the chance.

"Are you okay?" Sage asked me.

I just nodded.

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