(7) Shoot to Kill

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I breathed in a relaxing manner when Toby, on the other hand smiled at him. Wow. I thought it would be hard to introduce him to them. I thought there would be some kind of brawl to happen. If Toby approves, then all of us does. Well except for Andrew since his rival just came and is now face to face with him.

"Guys, this is Sage King. Sage, this is Toby... Landon... Cloud... John... Ian... Joross... Shawn... the twins Lucas and Luke... Andrew and you already know Victoria here." The moment Victoria's name came out of my lips, I raised my eyebrows at her. She then raised her eyebrows at me too.


"Welcome to the group King." Toby held his hand to shake and Sage took it. Everyone on the table clapped their hands except for Andrew who was brooding and me smiling at Sage.

After that, we started to dig our food. It was heavenly and a sin to waste any of this. Yes I'm a girl but I have a big appetite. Luckily, I got Mom's genes of not becoming fat when I eat too much. Beside, I love my body now. All the curves are in the right places.

The other boys were halfway on their food when we arrived so me and Sage were the last one to finish eating. Still I cannot believe it that they welcomed him with an open arms. Sage being Sage, was all cool then. He talked to them like they were all some kind of long time no see childhood friends.

And I give him that, he's good.

"So what made you transfer here on your senior year? No offense on our school but it's better there than here." Lucas asked him.

"Nothing special. I guess I wanted to be... free." He shrugged at his answer and chuckled.

But somehow something was telling me that there was something deeper about what he said. Freedom is a big word for every body to have. But as I want my life to be in senior year, I want it drama less until the end.

"So about the rumors, are they true?" Andrew suddenly spoke causing us all to look at him. His eyes were sending daggers to Sage's direction but Sage just smiled at him.

"Rumors are rumors my friend. If you believe them then there's nothing I could do. Well, the principal told me that I am an instant player here but to clear it all, I don't have the control here. If the coach and principal agreed to match us for the captain spot this year, then may the best man win." He gave Andrew and smirk sipped his Dr. Pepper like he wasn't declaring a war against the lacrosse team captain.

Andrew stood up and held Veronica's hand and then grabbed her away from the table. I know that. Whatever irks Andrew, he'll walk away so that he won't cause any trouble for punching a stupid guy. He's always like that, running away all the time instead of facing them. But I guess it's for the better.

The rest of the team were just nonchalant. They weren't horrified for the sudden declaration of Sage as if they see this coming. I, on the other hand, glared at Sage for being an insensitive asshole.

"What?" He asked innocently.

How dare he ask me that!

"What? You've got the nerve to ask 'what'? Why do you have to be insensitive? Andrew shed sweat, blood and tears so he can be the captain and now you suddenly barge into our lives acting like your some kind of God." I ranted at him.

"Insensitive? Look Hannah, I don't know why you became so riled up. All I just said was the truth. I came here to have my freedom, not becoming a captain of the lacrosse here. If he's good here then he shouldn't be threatened and you have nothing to worry about."

He's right. I'm being ridiculous at him. But it doesn't change the fact that he's still an ass. Given that Andrew is good, I shouldn't have ranted in his face. But I felt threatened. Because somehow, deep in my mind I know that Sage is better than Andrew, and it's really hard to admit. Pride and my bond of friendship with Andrew kept the truth from surfacing.

"Still you are an arrogant piece of sh*t." I spat and hurriedly walked away from them. I heard Cloud call my name but I didn't looked back.

I'm ashamed of myself for defending Andrew when the fact that Sage was right. I was out of words and if I didn't walk away, he would make me his laughing stock for the rest of the year.

Still feeling sh*tty, I walked my way home since Toby drove me here. Walking made me clear my mind and forget this damned day. Everything went haywire when Victoria came and the next thing happened, I'm here now, about to burst into tears feeling defeated.

Silence greeted me when I unlocked the house. I sighed and propped myself in the bean bag beside the table in the living room. It was hella of a day. I shouldn't stress about this. Remembering my mantra, I repeated it again and again.

No drama.

No drama.

No drama.

So I decided to stand up and prepare the ingredients for my dinner. It was 5:45 now and the meat won't thaw completely until 6:30. Going to the living room, I opened the TV and played the Xbox.

I don't indulge myself on some reckless parties if I was alone in my house. The thing is, I hate being in parties. All those booze and drugs piling up to be taken or when the neighbor would call the cops because of noise complaint isn't nice to experience though it was seen as an epic thing to happen in your teenage years.

But my Mom raised a crazy yet fairly responsible kid. If you call that responsible when I'm cleaning guns with her. Nope, crazy might be the best deal.

The game was still it was used to be. Killing those who're ugly and rotting with flesh put my mind at ease of what happened few hours ago.

"Yeah take that you ugly smug!" I shouted as the zombie tried to attack my character.

And the funny thing is that there's this zombie whose really have an uncanny resemblance with Sage. Though, this was still rotting and ugly but hey, he has this blue eye colors similar to the sky, like Sage's has.

Normally, I would go for a normal gun but seeing this jerk on my game made me all angry. I fished out my AK-47 and smirked, I aimed the target at the asshole prepared for a shoot to kill mission.

"You think your cockiness would wear me down? I don't think so f*ckboy. You are just a new fish and I'm about to make your life a living hell... Goodbye f*cker!"

And I fired my weapon at the zombie.

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