(15) The Two C's

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"Yeah. He still hates my ass." He shrugged at his answer.

Cloud crossed his arms together. "You have to team up. We can't afford to lose another game. The coach will shove his feet on our asses if he has to."

Sage glanced at Cloud and threw the paper napkin in his front. He sighed deep before he spoke to Cloud. "I don't want to be an ass but he's being a bitch. I tried to talk to him. Hell I even backed out coach's invite for the captain but he's being hard. If he's going to be like this for the rest of the days before the game, I'm sorry but I'll have to man up for the team." His eyes then turned to which made me almost hyperventilate. "Even if it makes you mad at me."

Is he talking to me? Or was he talking about Cloud and the rest of the team?

"I know. I'm sorry too. He became a bigger ass when you came. I think he was just threatened." The waiter then served the drinks first. Cloud sipped some of it. "But I hate to admit, you are better than him. When we had that meeting, your tactics were all clever. It was well distributed to the rest. Andrew's were... I don't know... it was like he wants to score for the goal himself only."

Sage just shook in head like Cloud wasn't right. And I hate to admit it too. All of us saw how Andrew plays. Even if it was difficult, as long as he would score the goal and have the credits, he will take it. I only realized this today because I was so blinded of my likes for him.

"No, nobody is better than anybody. Andrew just wanted the goal. I hate to say this but it makes your team lose. He just can't have the ball all for himself. He's a selfish prick." He said in a normal. He isn't afraid to say what he thinks to everybody.

"I quietly agree to that." I gasped a little. Toby agreed on what Sage said. This is new. "Andrew wanted credits because he wants to be recruited by USC."

"But then a lost team won't smell good even if he becomes the star player. A team is a team and should all work together never minding who did the deed. So how would Andrew expect to be recruited if he's not able to properly lead the team?" Sage answered.

He answered with a multi-million dollar question. What would be the end of this if Andrew continues to be selfish? Sage is here and I think coach would not hesitate to change the coach if the team won't win this time even if both of the Alphas won't agree.

"Coach just put up with his attitude because nobody wanted to be on the spot. We don't want to have a feud with the mayor's son." Cloud laughed at what he said even if there's nothing humorous.

"He's the mayor's son? Explains why he's a prick." He gave a sarcastic smile showing his set of dimples. "He's a spoiled f*cker after all."

I don't know what to say. The three of them laughed altogether but me and Ciara just looked at each other disapprovingly. How can they talk about Andrew on his back when all of us here are friends with him, except for Sage who clearly showed his dislike for Andrew? And now I know what they felt about him. But how about the rest of the team? Are they thinking about him the way Sage, Cloud and Toby thinks about him?

I sighed. There's too much I have to discover from them. Before Sage came, all I see were the laughs and hangouts, the after game parties even if we lost.

I don't blame Sage. He made me realize the truth.

"Oh, and remember that time when Hannah confessed to him? He dumped him straight and was seen later on dating her ex-bestfriend, Shiela." Sh*t. This is why sometimes I hate my friends.

I looked at Toby and gave him the sarcastic thank you look. God, this is embarrassing! I don't want a trip to memory lane and have my memory be talked about.

"Really? Shiela. Hmm." He then turned to look at me. "Was that the Shiela who spread the rumors about us?"

I sighed. I guess there is no more to hide. "Yes, the same Shiela who spread her legs in front of Andrew."

"That explains well." He said and removed his gaze from me.

His face was stern and I contemplated if he was thinking, annoyed or just angry. He then picked up the tissue he played a while ago and played with it again.

But I couldn't understand what he meant by what he said. What explains well?

"So what's the plan?" Cloud asked. The silence atmosphere has lifted again.

"I'm tired of following him. It's the same tactics." Toby replied. "'We would win if we just stick to the plan blah blah blah.'" He then mimicked Andrew's manners but using a girly voice. "We should hold a meeting again."

Our orders came in a good timing. I guess we won't be talking about Andrew and the game since we all smothered the food immediately. Our hunger caused us to deliberate in the ideas which are prettily crazy without the consultation of the rest of the boys. But seeing Toby as the co leader and the Cloud as, well, I don't know but he's respected as much as the leader, their decisions are final.

They will slowly be replacing Andrew's tactics and maybe sooner, his position too.

I felt sad for Andrew. Yes, he did work for it hard but sometimes I see him neglecting his duties. I was too blind to see it because of what I feel for him. It's funny how I adored him back then but these boys made my eyes open. Andrew wasn't the golden boy that I saw anymore. He was just a guy whose Dad is being able to answer on all his whims. And I've seen it in my own eyes. The endless parties, booze, girls and I don't know but I think he took drugs.

Suddenly the food wasn't appetizing anymore. Thinking about Andrew made me suddenly full.

So I have to forget him by diverting my head to another.

Cloud and Ciara.

"So, when did you become an item? I suddenly asked.

Both of them turned to look at me. The food was hanging on air because Cloud was about to eat while Ciara was drinking her coke. Both of them fell silent. I smirked, cat got the tongue eh?

"We-we uhm... justfivemonthsago?" Ciara said but I didn't quietly caught it up because she said it fast.

And it was almost inaudible.

"What?" I raised my brows and lifted my lips into a smile.

"Five months ago." Cloud said seriously. He even looked at Ciara who was now blushing deeply.

The rest of us teased them for the rest of the lunch. We never thought that the two of them, from Ciara whose the nerdy and Cloud who was the jock would find each other despite the differences.

I don't know what happened but when I looked at Cloud, I know that it was real between them.

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