18 - Scotty And Gabi Becomes 1st-Time Parents

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-Saturday Evening-

Gabi and her new husband, Scottry were at home and she started groaning because she was in pain. So she called Scorty over and he looked ar her and asked, "Whar's wrong, honey?' "I think I'm pregnant, but I'm not sure." "We can go to the hospital to see if it is true or not." "Okay, sounds good to me." So Scotty and Gabi went to the doctors to find if she was pregnant. When they arrived at the hospital, they walked up to the reception desk and ask, "Ma'am, may we have a doctor?" "Yes, you may, sir. Please take a seat while I'll call for a doctor." "Thank you so much." "You're welcome, sir." So he took a seat next to his wife and held her hand.

-2 Hours Later-

Thry were at home and then Gabi screamed in panic and so hen Scotty heard his wife, he ran over to his wife and asked, 'Honey, what's wrong?" "I'm not sure. I might be pregnant, but I'm not sure." "Okay, we can go to the hospial and have the doctot check you to see how far along you are." So they secided to go to the hospitsl to see how far along Gabi was and so when they arrived, her doctor came to her room and did an ultrasound so that they could see their baby. The doctor put some medicine on her stomache and he put a camera on it and moved it around in a circle. Scotty and Gabi looked at the screen and they saw that the baby was moving (so that was a good sign.)

-5 Hours Later-

Scotty and Gabi were in the delivery room and the doctor asked them, "Okay, are you two ready to give birth to this baby?" Gabi started to scream and the doctor said, "Alright, push down into your bottom and hold for 10 seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, and 10, okay take a breather." Scotty was looking at his wife and said, "Honey, you're almost there, just a few more pushes." The doctor looked at them and said, "Your husbsnd's right, ma'am. So let's start again. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Okay take a break. Baby's head is out and now we need a few pushes and then we'll have ourselves a baby." So she let one more big push and the doctor said, "Alright, baby's finally out and IT'S A GIRL! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!" Scotty bent over his wife and said, "You did it!" Then she said to Scotty, "Here, Dad, you can cut the cord. Congrats to you both." Scotty looked at Gabi and she started crying because she couldn't believe that she had JUST GIVEN BIRTH TO A BABY! Scotty looked at her and said, "That was an amazing job, honey." Then he gave her a kiss and said, "Alright, I'm going to see our baby and I'll be right back." Scotty walked over to the new little addition to his little family. He looked at his wife and said, "Honey, we have a sweet little girl over here. So you and I have to think of a name." He carried his daughter over to his wife and placed her in her arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Gabi looked up at her husband and said, "I love you this big, honey." "Me too, baby girl, me too." Then he gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and then we called them to see if we could come over to see the baby.

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