9 - Spending Time With Our Baby

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My husband and I have been home from the hospital with Caitlin, our new baby of 5 weeks now. So one morning, Dylan woke up early and then he looked over at me. So then we woke up, went downstairs,  Dylan got his coffee ready. I made my tea and then Dylan decided to cook us eggs and toast. So while he was cooking, I walked over to him with Caitlin on my hip and gave him a morning kiss.


Dylan and I were downstairs in the family room, watching TV with our little girl. So the show that was on was Wheel of Fortune and so we decided to finish watching it. But then we heard Caitlin start to whimper because she was getting tired. So then Dylan told me, "Honey, I'm going to put Caitlin to bed since she's tired. So I'll be back down in a minute." I gave Caitlin a kiss on the forehead and then Dylan carried her up to bed and tucked her in. He put her in her cradle and said, "Goodnight, my darling daughter, sleep well." Then he covered her up with a blanket and then came back downstairs and sat down next to me.  The show had just ended and so Dylan stood up from his spot on the couch and then I stood up, we walked arm in arm upstairs to our bedroom and then went to sleep.

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