12 - We Hire A Babysitter

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Dylan and I were in our kitchen and he told me, "Honey, I think we should go out on a date, just you and I, what do you think?" "I  think it's a great idea, sweetheart." So we decided on going to Olive Garden for a very romantic evening. But we left, Dylan gave Cailynn, his ex-girlfriend a call to tell her that we needed a babysitter.

Dylan: Cailynn, my wife and I need you to come to our house to babysit our kids because  we're going out to dinner tonight.

Cailynn: Yes, I should be able to come tonight, so just give your address and I'll  be over as soon as I can.

Dylan: Okay, that's great!  So I will let my wife know, thank you

Cailynn: You're welcome, Dylan.

Dylan: Alright, I'm getting off of here now, so we'll see in a little bit.

Then he got off the phone and walked over to me and said, "Alright, we're all set, Cailynn is on her way over to babysit the kids for us while go out to eat, where would like go out to eat, honey?" "I was thinking Olive Garden." "Great choice, honey!" "Thank you, honey." Then we kissed and then we heard the doorbell ring and we went to go answer it and Cailynn was standing there before us. So I decided to invite her in and so she walked and started looking to see the kids were and I found Cailynn playing her toys in her room, so I knocked on her door and said, "Babyaitter's here, so come out and meet her and say hi to her. So Cailynn stood next to me, pointed and asked, "Who's that, mommy?" "You're babysitter, her name is Cailynn, just like you, sweetie. Alright, Daddy and I leaving now, so be good for Miss Cailynn while we're gone." "Okay Mommy, I will. I love you." Then Dylan came over to Cailynn and gave a kiss and said, "Baby, be a good girl and I love you." So then after we left, our daughter and Cailynn, played a game and then Cailynn fed our son his bottle.


Dylan and I came home from our date and we saw Cailynn, the babysitter, holding our son and Cailynn, our daughter was sleeping on Cailynn's lap. So then Dylan took our daughter in his arms and whispered, "Daddy and Mommy are home now and I'm carrying you up to bed." Then I took our son in my arms, carried him into our room and put him in his cradle. Then Dylan came walking into our room and whispered to me, "Alright, they're in bed and goodnight, honey, sleep well and sweet dreams, my love." After he gave a kiss, he climbed into bed and we went to sleep.

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