3 - The Date

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Once Dylan and I arrived at the restaurant, he parked his truck, got out and walked over to my side, opened my door and helped me out of it. Then he looked at me and asked, "Got everything? You ready?" "Yes, I think so." I made a mental checklist in my head to make sure that I had everything that I came with: 


Make-up on, 


Then he looked at me and asked, "You good?" "Yes, I'm ready." Then he saw my purse and said, "I told you that I'm paying, so you can put that back into the truck. You must have forgotten. Did you forget?" "Yes, I did. I have trouble with remembering things." "Oh, that's fine. Come on, let's head in, we need to get our table before someone steals it from us." Once he said that, he kissed me on the cheek and asked, "You ready? Are you hungry?" "YES! I AM! I'M STARVING!" "Same here." So then the two of us intertwined hands and walked into the restaurant. He looked at me and said, "Excuse me, just going in front of you again, just back up a little bit." Then he put his hand up to stop me and said, "There, that's good. Here you go." What I saw before me was the front door opened to the restaurant. I looked at him and asked, "Should I go first?" "Yes, please, I'm a gentleman, I ALWAYS let the lady go first before myself." "Why, thank you." Once he was in, he put his hand on my back and said, "Alright, my hand is on your back and that is to tell you to move forward." "Thank you." "You are most welcome." So then we went up to the register and Dylan said, "Excuse me, ma'am. We have reservations." The lady behind the counter asked, "Under the name?" "Schneider." "Schneider? Is that correct?" "Yes ma'am, it is." "Alright, I think your table is ready, let me just check, be right back." So while the lady checked on our table, I decided to remove my hand from Dylan's grip and put my arm through his, he looked at me and asked, "Why did you do that?" "My hand was getting a little sweaty. Sorry about that." He looked at me, chuckled and said, "It's fine, you're fine." Just then the woman came back and said, "Sir, your table is ready, please follow me right this way." Then Dylan put his hand on my back again and said, "Alright, move forward and follow the hostess." Come to find out, the restaurant did not  have the best lighting and it was night time, so I looked at Dylan and said, "It would be best if you go first, since I can't see well in the dark." "Oh alright, I'll go first, can you see to follow me or should we hold hands, so that you won't get lost?" "I think we should hold hands." "Alright, fine with me." So then I draped my sweater over my right arm and put my other through Dylan's. We followed the hostess to our table. Once we arrived our table, it was a booth and so Dylan went in one side and I slid into the other. Then the hostess handed us both menus and said, "Enjoy your meal." We looked up at her and said in unison, "Thank you." A few minutes later, a server came over to our table and she said, "Hello, my name is Nicole, I will be taking care of you. First, may I start you both with a drink?" She looked at Dylan and asked, "Sir, what would you like to drink?" He looked at her and said, "Please let my girlfriend go first." "Are you sure, sir?" "Yes ma'am." "Alright. So ma'am what would you like to drink?" "I would like a glass of ice water." She looked at me and asked, "With lemon?" "No, thank you." Then she looked at Dylan and asked, "Have you decided on what you would like to drink?" "Yes ma'am, I have, I would also like a glass of ice water." "Okay. Well, how about I bring out a pitcher of water, so that you can fill up as needed. How does that sound? I will also bring out some lemon wedges so that the two of you can put them into your water if you would like." "That's fine, ma'am, thank you." "Alright, I'll be right back." Once she left to get glasses and the pitcher of water, we started looking over the menu to see what we were going to order for dinner. Dylan noticed that I was having trouble reading the menu, so he asked, "You havin' trouble seein' the menu? Do you need me to read the menu to you?" "Please?" "Of course. I will do that." So he started reading it to me and first he read me the appetizers. One item that he read that caught my ear were some dinner rolls.  Then he read the of the menu to me and what I decided on getting to eat was spaghetti with sauce. So then he looked at the menu again and started reading it again to see what he wanted for his meal. Then he looked up at me and said, "Alright, I know what I want now." The server looked at him and asked, "Have you decided, sir?" "Yes, I have, I would like spaghetti with meat sauce." "What type of pasta? We have Angel Hair, Spaghetti, Ziti, or Lagine?" "I would like Angel Hair pasta, please ma'am." "Certainly, sir." Then she looked at me and asked, "Same for you, ma'am?" "Yes, thank you so much.""You're very welcome." So then while she got our meals ready, we chowed down on the dinner rolls. We also talked about our future and how it was going to play out. Then the server over our meals and asked, "Now who got Angel Hair pasta with meat sauce?"Dylan spoke up and said, "Both ous did, ma'am." "Right  I had forgotten, I'm sorry." So then once we got our meals we said grace,

Heavenly Father, we thank you for blessing this meal and please continue to bless while we continue to date and we hope thst You will lead us to marriage and hopefully a family. In Your name we pray. Amen.

Then after grace, we began eating and we talked our futuee, After our meal, we got the check and  Dylan pulled out his wallet and looked at the check. He looked up at me and said, "I'll be paying since I took you out on a date tonight. " I smiled at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Dylan just smiled and then he left a tip for our server and then we left to go back to his place.

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