8 - We're Expecting Our First Child

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Dylan and I have been married for 5 years now and one morning I woke up in excruciating pain and then I started to moan. Dylan heard me and so he sat up and asked, "Honey, what's wrong?" All I did was gasp for air and slump over in pain. He walked over to me and looked at me, concerned. He put his hand on my forehead to see if I had a fever. I didn't have a fever, however, he felt my stomach and looked at me and said, "Honey, you are most certainly ready to give birth." "Do you know what I'm having, honey?" "No, I'm not sure, we have to go to the hospital to find out." "Okay. Let's do it then." So then Dylan and I went out to the car and I got in, he buckled me in, got in the driver's side, started it, and we were on our way to the hospital.


Dylan was driving and I was in the passenger seat, gasping for air and so Dylan looked over at me and asked, "Honey, how are you feeling?" "Tired." He looked at me, concerned and said, "Oh honey, we're almost there, just hang in there." So he decided to keep on driving until we arrived at the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, he carried me in and went to the reception desk and said, "Excuse ma'am, my wife needs to see a doctor NOW!" The receptionist said to him, "Sir, I will make sure that your wife sees a doctor as soon as I can get ahold of one. So please have a seat and wait, alright." "Alright, thank you, ma'am." "You're very welcome, sir." So while we waited, Dylan read a magazine and held my hand so that I would keep calm. Then my doctor showed up at the door, we walked over and she took us back the examining room so that she could an ultrasound to see far along I was in my pregnancy. The tech put some gel on my stomach and then she put a camera over my stomach and Dylan was kissing my forehead and saying, "Honey, I love you so much and also this soon-to-be bundle of joy." The doctor looked us with a HUGE smile on her face and said, "Congratulations, you are having a little girl!" Dylan and I just looked at each other and smiled, then he leaned over me and gave a kiss. He looked at me and said, "I love you so much, honey and also this little angel who is inside of you waiting to be born." I looked at my husband and smiled. So then the tech looked at us and asked, "Have you two thought of names now that you know that you are having a little girl?" Dylan looked at her and said, "No ma'am, we haven't, We'll have to think about it." "Okay, just let me know when think of a name." "Okay, we will." So then Dylan and I thought of a name and he told the doctor and she asked, "Alright, what is her name going to be?" "We've decided on Caitlin." "Alright, so what is her middle name going to be?" "We've decided on Marie for a middle name." "Alright, so her full is Caitlin Marie Schneider, is that correct?" "Yes ma'am, it is." "Okay, my team will schedule a date for you to come and give birth, okay?" "Okay." So then after my appointment we left and went home.

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