11 - Dylan Performs A Concert

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-Saturday Night-

My husband, Dylan had a concert and so he decided to invite the kids and I to it. So once we arrived at the concert, Dylan said to me, "Honey, the band guys and I have to meet really quick and then after we meet, I'll come back to you and the kids, okay?" "Okay honey, thank you." "You're welcome." So he went over to his band mates and they had a discussion. While they were having their discussion, I decided to keep the kids occupied with some toys that I had brought along with me. After Dylan was finished having his discussion, he walked over to me and asked, "Where are the kids?" "Playing with toys that I brought along." "Oh okay. Well, the show starts in about 10 minutes, so I have to do a soundcheck soon." "Okay, while you're doing that, I'll check on the kids and I'll wait here for you." "Okay. I love you." Then we kissed each other and I went to go check on how the kids were, so I walked over to them and our daughter asked, "Yes Mommy?" "Just checking on you and your brother, that's all. Daddy is going to start singing in a few minutes, so I think we should go get our seats before someone steals them away from us." "Okay." So then I took my daughter's hand in mine and put our son on my hip and we walked down to the front row and sat down in our seats so that we would be ready to cheer on Dylan when he came out onstage that night. So he came out when one of his bandmates announced his name and so then he came walking out onstage to the screams from all of the girls that had come to this concert. Several girls had signs that said, "Marry Me!" Once he saw those signs he  said, "Ladies, I'm sorry, but I'm already married to THAT young lady in the front row. So again ladies sorry  to disappoint you but I'm happily married." He flashed his rimg to the audiece and then I turned and flashed my ring at the audience.  So then he said into the microphone, "I would like for my wife to come up onatage with me, please." Once he said that I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss and said, "I love you so much, honey." "So do I, baby girl, so do I." Then he started singing the song and this was called, "You Heard Wrong", but before he sang it, he said, "This is a song that I am dedicating to my ex, because she heard that I was in love with another girl, the girl who is now my wife, so she went off crying and she told me that she would never speak to me ever again. So here it is, here's 'You Heard Wrong.'" So he started singing it and the kids and I just sat there and listened. After he was done singing, he came down offstage and heard his ex sobbing, but all he cared about was the kids and I, NOT CAITLIN HIS EX.



So it was late and so we decided to put the kids to bed and also got to bed ourselves. But then Dylan's phone rang and he answered it and so here is the conversation,

Caitlin: Dylan, we need to talk.
Dylan: What about?
Caitlin: How rude I was to you tonight, that's what.
Dylan: Why!
Caitlin: All I want to say is I'm sorry, so I want make it up to you, so if it's okay with you and  your wife, I'm offering to babysit your kids for you guys whenever you need a break. How does that sound to you?
Caitlin: Yes, you heard right, what do you  say? Is that okay with you?
Dylan: That should be okay, but like I said I have to discuss it with my wife and make sure that it would be okay.
Caitlin: Okay, when you two finish talking about it, just call me or text me and let  me know what she says, alright?
Dylan: Okay, sounds good to me. Have a nice night, Caitlin.
Caitlin: You too, Dylan.

So then they got off the phone and he walked into the kitchen where I was feeding the baby and he said to me, "Honey, we need to talk." "About what?" "Well, the girl that is my ex-girlfriend, Caitlin is offering to babysit for us whenever we go out somewhere and so we can have time to ourselves. What do you think?" 'That sounds like a good idea to me." "Okay, that's sounds like a good idea to me too." So then it was getting late and so we decided to go to bed.

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