Chapter 4: Confession

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Sasha's POV

While we were frozen I somehow was able to see memories of his, and they weren't the good kind. People calling him names and treating m as if he was a monster just because he's gay, I also saw what they would do to his friends. I could see his pain, my magic started reaching out to his and I could feel the pain.
When Kem ran off and released the spell, I fell to my knees screaming in pain. John came to my side the moment he regained his senses. I looked at Jace, Justin and Jane, they all had a worried expression on their faces. I don't think I've ever been this angry before, not even when Greg disowned Kem.

Jane was the first to break the silence that had fallen over the room after I stopped screaming.

"Are you OK?? What just happened??" I could hear how concerned and curious she was.

I left my head off of johns shoulder looking at them "why did you do that??..h-h-how could you??"

"What are you talking about honey??" John asked not having a clue of what they did and caused.

I ignored his question and tried standing, but he had to help me to stay standing.

"Well those two are the reason Aiden was hospitalized last year and they would bully Kem and his friends every moment they got..." I said trying to control my anger, then I pointed at Jane "...and she called herself their friend but never was she there to help them"

They all looked at each other with guilty written all over their faces.

At this point, I couldn't hold back the tears I've been holding back the whole time.

"It's all my fault I didn't pay him any attention..I'm the reason his life is so rough, I should have been a better aunt." I somehow got out through my crying.

"It's not your fault there was nothing you could have done to stop the way he was treated there's only so much you can do," John said while dragging me into his arms.

John POV

I could feel the pain she's going through, one of the bonuses of being mates. After hearing about what they did to kem especially Aiden I was just as angry as Sasha.

Sasha's a crying mess in my arms, there is nothing I can do to soothe her tears, and that makes me so frustrated. It's hard for me to see the love of my life who is always smiling and happy like this.

"Justin, Jace, Jane I'm taking Sasha to her room, when I get back we need to talk." They just shook their heads and sat in the three-person couch. I did just that I rest Sasha down in bed and she fell asleep the moment I put her down.

"So..." I started

"Dad we're really sorry we were only messing with them at first then they started to act differently towards us and became friends with Jane I guess Jace and I were a little jealous and that pissed us off..." Justine explained now a little out of breath

"How did the Aiden incident happen??" I asked with a raised brow.

"That was all me.." Jace spoke up, "ahh well he told Jane his secret and Jane told Justine and I... we were so pissed cause he was more of a freak than we thought." He spat out like it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"So what did you do after finding out this 'secret'??" I asked folding my arms over my chest. You see when the incident happened Aiden told the doctors he fell down the stair, I knew he was lying because there were no stairs close to where Jane said she found him. There were even deep lacerations in his leg, it was so obvious that he didn't fall down any stairs.

"We went to confront him and ask if it was true.."

"Then what"

"He said it was... So we started pushing him around then it escalated to something else," a look if regret evident on his face," Justin stopped after awhile then tried stopping me too, when I didn't he left, but I was so pissed that Aiden didn't even try to fight back, I didn't even notice when it happened, my fangs and claws had surfaced when he attempted to get up my claws sank into his leg, I can remember him screaming in pain, then Jane came running around the corner and saw what had happened she got angry and told me to go, then I guess she called an ambulance...that's it" he ended shrugging his shoulders

"There's nothing we can really do about this now..but you will have to apologize all three of you" I said looking straight at them while getting up, "I will later think of a punishment that will suit you well, but you don't have to worry it won't be that bad" reassuring them but already thinking of different ways to ruin their images.

"You guys should go home it's getting late, and tell Shawn I won't be coming home tonight." Shawn is my best friend and Beta.

They all nod their heads and walked to the door telling me goodbye.

"We didn't even get to have dinner." I could hear Justin say

You know they're lying, right?

Yes it was very obvious

A/n- on a scale of 1-10 how bad is it

Words - 923

Knocking Down Love's Door( LGBTQ+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora