The Plan

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2 months later

"Hiccup, I'm sure we'll get your dad back," Snotlout said.

To recap

Alvin saved Snotlout's life and is now Berk's prisoner. Dagur did a surprise attack using dragon root to distract the dragons. He took Stoick because Stoick was lying on the ground. Now between the Screaming Death, running the village and Dagur, Hiccup is stressed.

Back to the day.

"What if we don't, Snotlout?" Hiccup asked. "What if my dad's dead? "What if the Screaming Death destroys the village and kills everyone?"
"They are unlikely to happen," Ruff said.
"Ruff's right. There's a better chance Alvin breaks out of the dragon pen than those happening," Fishlegs explained.
"Boooorring!" Tuff exclaimed.

Astrid walked into the great hall to find the riders sitting in a circle talking. She immediately thought, "Why didn't they invite me to this conversion?"

"Hey," she said.
"No one invited you, Astrid," Hiccup said cheekily.
"Yeah... Wait... what?" Tuff said.
"Hiccup, that's so rude," Astrid said.
"So, when are you ever nice to us?" Hiccup said.
"She's nice to us all the time," Ruff pointed out.
"Since when?" Hiccup asked shocked.
"Since the moment she got to the island," Snotlout added.
"Okay, who votes that Astrid leaves?" Tuff asked.

Hiccup put is hand up.

"And who votes for her to stay?" Tuff asked.

The rest of them put their hands up.

"Sorry, Hiccup. You're out voted," Snotlout said.
"How are we getting Stoick out of Outcast Island?" Ruff asked.
"I got a plan," Hiccup said.
"What is it?" Astrid asked curiously.
"Well we let Alvin out of the dragon pen, I take him to Outcast Island, make him tell me on the way there if there is a secret way onto the island, get my dad and get out of there."
"Pretty good plan," Fishlegs said.
"What about m- Dagur?" Astrid asked.
"Alvin can do whatever he wants to him," Ruff said.
"Okay," Astrid said awkwardly.
"I'll get Alvin," Hiccup said.

As Hiccup and the other riders started walking away, Astrid felt uneasy. She didn't like the sound of the Alvin does what he wants to Dagur thing. After all he is her boyfriend.

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