Sisters again.

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"Astrid, how have you been?" Melanie asked.
"I've been fine but I live on the same island as a Jorgensen and two Thorstens."
"I feel so sorry for you."
"Well, it hasn't been that bad. Hows things back home?"
"Mindy moved to Crescent Island,  Jordan is so mature and dad's still depressed."
"It's been years."
"I know."
"Why did you dye your hair?"
"I don't know. But light blue suits me."

As the girls talked, the dragons played.

On Berk

"Astrid, should be back by now," Hiccup said.
"Why don't we go find her?" Ruff asked.
"Because then we'll invade her privacy," Fishlegs replied.
"I do it all the time," Snotlout added.
"Stalker," Tuff pointed out.
"She'll be back. It's Astrid," Hiccup said after a minute.

A hour later

Stormfly landed outside Astrid's hut door.  Astrid silently got off her and tip toed over to her hut. Something pulled her back.

"Where have you been young lady?" Hiccup asked.
"Hiccup, we are the same age and I was on a flight."
"For two hours?"
"I needed to clear my head."
"Of what?" Ruff asked popping up behind her.
"None of your business," Astrid sharply said. She went to walk into her hut but stopped and turned around. "Good night," she said and slammed the door.
"I don't get her," Ruff said.
"Neither do I," Hiccup followed.

Astrid Hofferson: A Different Story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora