Dragon Attacks

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"Gobber!" the man shouted at the blacksmith.
"Yes?" came a voice.
"Stoick wants you to take care of this young lady."
"In that case, I'll be right out."
A man with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, a hook for a hand and a peg leg came out of the blacksmith's.
"Oh no," Astrid thought.

"Who might you be?" Gobber asked softly.
"Nice to meet you, Astrid. I'm Gobber."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"Are you a pirate?"
"No. You're the first one to ask me that," he said shocked.
"Where do you stay?"
"That hut over there," and he pointed to a rather large hut.
"You seem disappointed."
"I'm not, I'm just used to living in a castle."

That night Astrid woke up smelling smoke. She went downstairs to find it a light. She ran back up the staircase and jumped out the window.
She came out to see axes, swords and arrows being thrown at dragons.
"Excuse me, what's going on?" she asked a man.
"Dragon attack lil lady. Might wanna take cover."
She ran to fallen pieces of metal and made a fort for protection.

Hours later, Gobber walked over to the fort to find Astrid sleeping.
"How can she sleep though that?" 
Gobber thought.

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