Dagur's back for more

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A month later

Early in the morning the horn went off as if it were an attack. Astrid ran downstairs to find Gobber not there. She opened the door to find him sharpening his axe to replace the hook.

"What's going on?" she called over to him.
"Berserker attack. Get your axe sharpened and find Stormfly!" he shouted back.

Stoick came into sight. He was telling the woman on the island where to go. Astrid could see Ruff among them. She grabbed her and pulled her out of the crowd.

"Ruffnut, you're fighting. Tuff can't fly Barf and Belch on his own. He'd crash before he would get in the sky," Astrid told her.
"But Astrid..."

Ruff ran over to her dragon.

"Riders, try burn the boats before they reach the island and be careful," Stoick ordered.
"Give me a sec!" Astrid shouted from the blacksmith's. "Gobber, hurry up."
"There you go, lassie."

Astrid ran and mounted Stormfly and joined the riders. The Berserker fleet was nearing the island.

"Alright gang, start burning boats," Hiccup said.
"It'll be like the first time we met Alvin the treacherous," Tuff said.
"That was fun," Ruff added.

Five minutes later.
Half way through the attack.

Stormfly smelled something in the clouds. Something very familiar. She flew up, with Astrid on her back to investigate.

"Melanie? What are you doing here?" Astrid shouted.
"I saw the fleet and was curious."
"Meet me at our usual point."
"Why? Where are you going?"
"Stormfly down!"
"And she left. Snowstorm, you know the way."

30 minutes later

Astrid and Stormfly landed on their large sea stack. As soon as she got off, Stormfly ran over to Snowstorm to play.

"What were you thinking? Dagur could have killed you," Astrid started.
"I was thinking what in Thor's name could he be up to?"
"Well..." Astrid paused. "Never think what is a madman up to."
"You do it all the time."
"That's because I'm mad."

Meanwhile in the clouds above the girls

"Who is that girl?" Snotlout asked.
"She looks exacting like her," Fishlegs said.
"Except her fringe is at the wrong side," Tuff pointed out.
"Wait... does Astrid have a sister?" Ruff asked.
"Obviously,  look at the resemblance," Snotlout said.
"Hey, Hiccup, you can have a chance with her," Ruff said.
"I'm good. Thanks anyway, Ruff," Hiccup said.

On the ground

"So, has Cameron asked you out yet?" Astrid said.
"No, has Dagur asked you out?"
"I better be getting home. Dad's probably worried sick."
"I left two hours ago without leaving a notice."
"Alright, bye Mel," Astrid said.
"See ya, A," Melanie said as she mounted Snowstorm.

She flew off and Astrid started walking over to Stormfly. Suddenly, four dragons landed. Astrid turned around to see the rest of the riders.

"Astrid..." Snotlout started.
"Don't ask, none of you," Astrid interrupted. "Or else."

Stormfly took off in the direction of Berk.

Astrid Hofferson: A Different Story Where stories live. Discover now