The boat

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"Finn, can we go home now?"
"No, Astrid. Your father wants you to go and live on Berk and that's what you're doing."
"That's it!" she shouted. "I'm turning the boat around!"

Astrid then froze stiff. A single Bog Burglar boat was coming.

"Astrid, get down below deck," Finn said sharply and quietly. Astrid hid below deck. She could hear the muffled, quiet voices of women and her uncle.

"Ladies can I help you?" Finn asked in a scared tone.
"Actually you can. All you have to do is stand there," one said pointing to in front of the mast. A scared and confused Finn walled over and turned around to see the women with loaded crossbows.
"What are you doing?"
"Ready girls? Aim..."
"Oh no."
The crossbows shot seven arrows and four of them hit his chest. As the girls left Astrid snuck on deck to see them leave and her uncle dead on deck with the blood going everywhere.

"Finn!" she shouted but no one could hear her. She started crying. "I'll kill the chief of the Bog Burglars if it's the last thing I'll do."

On Berk, 1 week later

"Chief! Hofferson boat!" a man shouted to Stoick the Vast.

As the boat pushed against the sand of the beach, the men jumped on. Nothing on deck. The walked down below deck and found a sleeping Hofferson kid lying on the floor with a small blanket wrapped around her, shivering because she was freezing.

"Kid. Hey, kid wake up," one of them said. She woke and she immediately go scared.
"What island am I on?" she asked in the same scared tone as her uncle.
"Can I see the chief?"

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