The Berserkers

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The next week

"Astrid," Gobber said waking her up.
"Stoick wants to see you and the other riders."
"I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Astrid walked into the great hall to see the other riders sitting down talking. She sat on the side with no one on it.

"Anyone know what this is about?" Tuff asked.
"No clue," Snotlout replied.
"What did the twins blow up this time?" Fishlegs asked quickly.
"Nothing for once," answered Ruff.
"Then are we in trouble?" Hiccup said thinking aloud.
"Maybe this is due to Astrid's two hour flight yesterday," Tuff said.
"Really, that's what you're going with?" Astrid said.

The great hall doors opened and Stoick walked in with two men behind him.

"Astrid, because you are new here you don't know Berk traditions," he said.
"True," she replied.
"It's that time again."
"Uhhh!" Ruff moaned.
"Why?" Tuff asked.
"What?" Astrid asked.
"Peace treaty with the Berserkers," Fishlegs said.
"Why's that so bad?"
"Because Osborn brings his bratty son along with him," Snotlout said.
"Dagur," Ruff and Tuff said in unison.
"He throws daggers at people's heads," Hiccup said.
"I admit he wrecks everything," Stoick said joining in.
"You don't know that," Astrid said.
"Anyway, Hiccup, your job is to round up the dragons and get them out of sight," Stoick ordered.

30 minutes later.

"Alright gang, let's hide the dragons before the berserkers..." Hiccup started.
"Have just arrived," Astrid interrupted.
"I'll be right back," Hiccup said flying away.
"What do we do now?" Snotlout asked.
"We still hide the dragons idiot," Astrid replied.

As a Zippleback came closer and closer they could see saddles on the back.
"Is that Barf and Belch?" Fishlegs asked.
"What are they doing?" Astrid asked as they flew past.
"Beats me," Snotlout said.
"Side note, where are the twins?" Astrid asked.
"Who's telling Hiccup?" Snotlout said.
"I'll tell him. You guys hide the dragons and try not to make out," Astrid said sassily.

She flew away leaving Fishlegs and Snotlout in shock.

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