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Y'all Wanted Texting. I give you Texting

Matt: I'm still a single Pringle
Riley: lol
Hayes: well I broke up
Nash: what?
Nash: I didn't know that
Hayes: it's fine
Riley: r u two still frands
Hayes: ye
Carter: shhhhh
Aaron: why
Carter: me and Tay are watching a movie
Taylor: A Halloween one
Aaron: nice
Shawn: I have a question
JackG: hopefully I have the answer
JackJ: I got chu bro
JackJ: what is it
Shawn: is the nightmare before Christmas a Christmas movie or a Halloween movie?
Riley: tbh Idek
Nash: sammmme
JackG: Christmas
JackJ: Halloween
Riley: lol
JackJ: is Halloween duh they sing a song about it
JackG: but the whole plot is from Christmas
JackJ: the main characters r Halloween
Matt: nobody cares
Taylor: SHUT UP
Riley: lol
Shawn: I wonder what Cams doing
Hayes: Cameron Dallas has given up
Aaron added Cam to the conversation
Cam: the heck
Cam: what is this
Riley: why do u care
Cam: idk
Matt: this is a group chat
Cam: oh
Cam removed Cam from the group
Matt: Oml the way that shows up
Riley: we should add Skate and Sam
Carter: ok But Can U Plz Be Quiet
Riley added Sk8 to the conversation
Riley added Sammy to the conversation
Taylor: OML
Aaron: Tay XD
Matt: lol
Matt: u funny
Matt: ha
Matt: um
Matt: guys?
Matt: why
Matt: again
Matt: ;(

What do u think? Is The Nightmare before Christmas a Christmas or Halloween movie?

Btw I'm not posting until Halloween on this book. Get ready for a spooky chapter

I'm a ghost
Be scared

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