Chapter 1: A Typical Friday

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Noemy's P.O.V

"See you later Noemy!" Abigail says to me. 

"See ya later Gail!" I say to her as we both snap our fingers together. "The snap dragons must live on!"

"Ha Ha! Yeah!" Abigail or what I like to call her, Gail walks towards the opposite direction onto the bus stop as I start to walk home from school. 

Another glorious Friday! Except I have nothing to do today... Like always. 

I then see that a text appears right on my phone screen. Looks like the text is from Madi, one of my best friends. 

I need your help! 

Why? What's wrong? 

Zach asked me out on a date!!!

What! Finally!...So why do you need my help? 

... I need a dress

​​​​​​And you expect me to find one!? I'm not a girly girl! 

I know but... Your mom buys you dresses all the time so I thought... If I can borrow one? 

Sure! Keep it if you want! Dresses disgust me! 

​​​​​​Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'll come by at six

Okies! Bye


Well at least I get to do something today. And I mean it when I say I hate dresses. They're itchy and too revealing and go against any of my tastes. And don't get me started on high heels! I think they're even worse than dresses! 

What I would rather wear are some jeans, sweats, sneakers, any shirt and a hoodie. I guess you can say I'm a Tom boy but I'm not lesbian or bisexual. It's just that my tastes are way different than probably most girls at my school. 

I look into the distance and see that I probably have a few more minutes till I get home and go straight into doing my homework. And maybe do a little drawing while I wait for Madi to come over. 

Yeah I'm one of those people you would probably call a nerd. But not just a nerd! A really awkward nerd who never got hit on by a guy once in her entire life! And am I really complaining about that? No!... Well maybe just a little. 

But still! I'm a very independent person and I don't need anyone to help me either! I'm also an artist and I practice self-defense a lot just in case something dangerous ever happens in my life. But to be fair where I live nothing dangerous ever happens. It's kind of pretty boring if you ask me. But I'm cool with that... Though I would like some excitement once in a while. 

I walk down the sidewalk as I feel some of the peebles crunch underneath my sneakers. I look around and see that the once so beautiful sunny day has turned into a somewhat gloomy afternoon. It looks like it would rain but then I see that the clouds start to depart and the sun comes out again. 

"Shoot," I say to myself. "I would rather have a gloomy afternoon than a sunny afternoon."

Well sooner or later I'll get my wish cause right now it's the middle of September. That means it's almost autumn! But that also means that there is a long year of school ahead of me. 

And just to clear any confusion I'm 14 years old and I'm a middle schooler in 8th grade. So don't think that I'm in high school or anything cause I'm totally not prepared for that. Although my my middle school is connected to the high school so you can say that the school building is one of the most enormous buildings you have ever seen! It's pretty cool except the hall ways get a lot of people traffic between switching classes. That's probably the only thing I hate about middle school and high school... And not to mention the drama. 

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