Lost memories

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Ezra and Sabine were standing by a few Mandalorians. Sabine held Mira close to her and looked at Ezra and Ezra nodded.

"You will not bring Mira to Mandalore." said Sabine and threw a smoke bomb on the ground.

Sabine and Ezra ran away, but the Mandalorians and Moreena followed. Mira held fast to Sabine

"Ezra we have to protect Mira, before she is already mandated to Mandalore." said Sabine.

Ezra jumped into the Ghost and Sabine followed him. But before Sabine reached the ghost, Moreena pushed Sabine against the wall of the Ghost. Ezra did not see what was happening, but he could feel Sabine unconscious on the floor. Moreena took Sabine to her arms and Mira lay on Sabine. Moreena take a special syringe in Sabine then she ran into the Ghost and to Ezra.

"I found Sabine and Mira unconscious on the ground. Something must have happened to them." said Moreena.

"Moreena bring Sabine and Mira to her room, I will tell Hera that we are flying back to the base, and if you want to come with us." said Ezra.

"Thank you, but I thought I should not come. Because of what I did with the bounty hunters." said Moreena.

"Don't worry, after all, you did it for your family." said Ezra, and ran to Hera.

After a while the Ghost landed on Yavin and Hera brought a medical droid to help Sabine. Ezra waited nervously with Kanan in front of Sabine's room while Zeb showef Moreena the base.

"Ezra calm down, she'll be fine." said Kanan.

"I know Kanan, but I'm worried about Sabine and Mira." Ezra said, looking at the door that was just opening. Ezra and Kanan ran into Sabine's room and Hera looked to them.

"How is she?" asked Ezra worried.

"She is fine, but Sabine has a severe brain vibration, which is why she has lost part of her memories." said the medical droid.

Ezra looked shocked at Sabine and Kanan put his hand on Ezra's shoulder. Hera took Mira into her arms and gave her to Ezra.

"She needs you now Ezra." said Hera.

"But what about Sabine?" asked Ezra worried.

"She needs to rest, I think she'll wake up in a few hours." said the medical droid.

Ezra looked at Sabine then at Mira and walk into the cockpit.

"I think he needs you now Kanan." Hera and Kanan nodded and followed Ezra into the cockpit and sat down in front of Ezra.

"I know how you feel Ezra, but you can not lose the courage now, Sabine will be okay." said Kanan.

Ezra looked at Kanan then at Mira and Mira held Ezra's hand.

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