day 4 of pranking with my suckish sidekick

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Emily’s P.O.V (and let’s stick with me this time yeah)

Yeah Carter is a suckish pranking partner. I huffed getting out of bed till I stuck on the radio and on came Life In Technicolor by Coldplay (as you can see I really like Coldplay) I smiled and started dancing to it picking up pieces of clothing to prank in today I decided on ripped skinny jeans, Cookie Monster t shirt, hoodie, my amazing battered converse and you guessed it my utility belt. I looked in the mirror tried to tame my short brown mess of hair and twirled and posed smirking at my reflection. After being silly for a while I took off to eat.

Sitting in the canteen I munched on some chocolate chip pancakes and slurped some apple juice enjoying my yummy breakfast soaking up the sun by the window. Finishing up I left the canteen for the lobby going over to the notice board to see if there was anything of my interest nope nothing interesting I walked off till I saw one that caught my eye it was pink ahh Petunia I read it

Dear residents of Charlton Manor, I have decided to sell the building to someone new as it seems that my power here is not liked nor is it welcomed I have packed up and left this place I called home for someone else and just a quick shout out to Emily Wilcott be careful around the new owner Christopher Bullock he can prank just as well as you can and is participating in prank week also he doesn’t like the idea of girls pranking so do be careful in what you do. From Petunia, former owner of Charlton Manor.

Oh that’s just great a pranker who doesn’t like girls pranking takes over the building I live in looks like I won’t be pranking Carter anytime soon as I need her to defeat the girl hater who has a very funny surname god I can create so many jokes about his surname “hey Toby why was I never told about Chris butthead?” I asked beckoning Toby over here “errm I didn’t know how to tell you so I didn’t” I huffed and stuck my middle finger up at him and walked off to broadcast my annoyance about Mr Bullock “oi Chris the women hater this is Emily Wilcott queen of the pranks for 2 years running and last time I checked I was a girl that can whip your expensive arse so be careful with who you mess with as you might just get burnt” I walked away feeling quite epic I can imagine him quivering in his boots. I was walking round the building when someone tapped me on the shoulder, I whipped around and pulled out my silly string to come face to face with some good looking boy who looked like 18 I noticed his utility belt though so I was on full alert “hey Emily is it?” he asked “yep now who’s asking?” I quipped back wanting to know who I was about to prank “the names Bullock Christopher Bullock” he said trying to be James Bond “well wannabe Bond, say hello to my friend silly string” I then sprayed him “sucks to be you” I walked off giggling quietly to myself and Petunia said he was a good pranker puh.

“Just because I’m hurting” I sang walking off to find Carter “hey, hey Car, Car” I greeted her “hey, hey prank machine” she greeted me “meet the cutie that now owns the building?” she asked I grinned evilly “sure did just pranked him. Piece of cake” I dusted my hands together “really? He pranked me” Carter said amazed “where’s your t shirt than?” I asked she unzipped her hoodie and revealed the embarrassing t shirt “the only person not out is you, prank week is over he beat us you beat him” she sadly said “what?” I choked out.

Sad to say what Carter said was true he pranked everyone but me so prank week is over there was a broadcast about it asking the winner to come forward so I did the ceremony’s taking place later this evening. Trudging upstairs to my apartment after hearing the news I got changed for the crowning ceremony I pulled on a pair of high waisted shorts, red off the shoulder t shirt and red doc martens looking semi girly.

I walked to the poolside to see no one there apart from Chris “hey Emily here’s your crown” he handed me the crown “and here’s an offer you can’t turn down: will you go on a date with me?” really that was the offer I couldn’t turn down well here’s me turning it down “thanks for the crown and sorry but I don’t date” I turned away to find everyone looking peed off and complaining about Chris not allowing me to have a proper crowning ceremony since I beat him fair and square “don’t worry it’s cool at least there’s still the after party” I cheered the group whooped. As always the after party was amazing involving dancing and other party like stuff.

The next day and I was getting ready in above the knee cut off ripped skinny jeans, white Harry Potter quote t shirt with ‘Chosen One’ on it, hoodie and converse to go to the skate park with the boys. I finished getting ready and picked up my skateboard with my customised deck off to have fun knowing that I was still queen of the pranks. No matter what happens next year it can’t be as bad as what happened this year.

A/N tada its like 20 seconds later and here i am!!! i can tell the future wooooooo!! *pretends to be mystical and spooky* haha na im just kidding or am i???? ok going to stop talking now but whenever i say that i find that i never do strange well anyway i really should be shutting up now

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