yay still no pranking and I'm in hiding *note sarcasm*

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I groggily sat up from my nest of blankets rubbing my eyes “morning” I yawned out I got mumbled replies from Carter and Scarlet “come on let’s get changed” I got up and pulled out a red top with another Harry Potter quote on it this time it read “CONSTANT VIGILANCE”, a pair of pale yellow skinny jeans, hoodie, battered converse and utility belt I dumped my dirty clothes back into my bag, I turned round to see that Carter and Scarlet were ready too “food time me thinks” I said rubbing my hands together Carter sighed I was a bit like this last year.

I sat at one of the makeshift tables stuffing my face with a cheese sandwich while the other 2 delicately ate theirs looking at me in disgust as I continued eating like a guy I looked up “what?” I asked they just rolled their eyes at me and started talking about Twilight ick! I’ve noticed that since prank week’s been cancelled they sure have been getting in touch with their mature girlie side, it makes me sick! Hmm time to put a stop to that I picked up some porridge “FOOD FIGHT!”  I chucked some at Scarlet who squealed like a girl I chuckled “oh man up” she glared at me gosh I swear if they go anymore girlie on me I think I might cry!

After our very pathetic food fight (can we even call it a food fight? Since I mostly did the throwing) the girls went and got cleaned up and I put on some music. It came to Love Drunk by Boys Like Girls and I had a major spaz out about the song and when the chorus came on I did the dance Riker and Rocky Lynch did in one of their YouTube videos, the girls came out when I was doing the epic Love Drunk dance (yes it has a name!) “Come join in!” I called out at first they didn’t want to do it but I kept pestering them and we all do it “once more!” I shouted the girls agreed we put the song back on and sang and did the dance.  We all fell to the floor laughing at our silliness and started messing around at one point we were playing Harry Potter Would You Rather “would you rather…face a Hungarian Horntail or face the wrath of Voldemort?” I asked the group while eating popcorn “Horntail” they said in unison “errm would you rather…be a werewolf or oh I can’t top your one Ems” Carter gave up trying to top my would you rather, I got up from my spot on the floor and bowed. Oh I’m so immature!

Later on in the day Josh came to hang out in our hideout and keep us up to date on Petunia “well at the moment guys she like has her stupid security guards taking all our pranking stuff again and it’s like all in a mega secure place. She is also questioning everyone on your whereabouts” we all grimaced “don’t worry; we’re shorting out revenge right now. Wanna help?” I smiled evilly “do you have to ask?!” he exclaimed enthusiastically and came to my spot by the blue prints “oooh I like the chocolate surprise prank” we pointed to one blue print “buuut that one’s good too!” he pointed to the smurf skin prank “however I do like the syrup and feathers. Prank classic!” I shook my head he is no help at all “ok my brain’s going to explode if we keep going” I exclaimed giving up “oh ok lightsabre battle!” Josh exclaimed drawing out his blue lightsabre from nowhere “did you come in with that?” but he didn’t answer instead he started attacking me! I pulled out my purple lightsabre out of nowhere “two can play at that game” I started beating him up with my lightsabre while the girls just sat and watched and I have to admit it was funny watching Josh get beaten by a girl!

After Josh left there wasn’t much to do so we waited around till midnight doing random things like the Love Drunk dance again! At midnight we all changed into bikinis and put something on top, me I changed into my black bikini top, boys swimming trunks (cause I’m cool like that), my rainbow hoodie and black flip flops I picked up my Star Wars towel and waited for the girls to emerge in their ridiculously girlie bikinis they were so pink they looked like something Petunia would wear! Ignoring their fashion choice we headed off in the vent system bare foot (who would want to crawl round a vent system in flip flops?). crawling along we finally arrived at the pool I stripped off my hoodie and flip flops and did a cannon ball in the girls following my lead we held a competition on who could do the best flips off the diving board into the pool and stuff like that till we heard voices more specifically Petunia’s voice! We all grabbed our gear and headed off to the vent opening I closed the grate just as Petunia entered the poolside “I thought I heard voices” she looked around then left “phew that was too close lets head back and call it a night” Carter and Scarlet agreed. With Scarlet leading the way we crawled back to our hideout.

I changed out of my swim stuff and into a baggy t shirt with the Batman logo and black leggings and got comfy in my nest of blankets “night” I got out through my many yawns “night” the other 2 chorused trying to keep their droopy eyelids from shutting well unlike them my will power is nil so I slumbered into sleep (if that makes any sense well if not my excuse is I’m half asleep) and dreamt yet again about Ross Lynch but seriously can blame me he is as sexy as hell!

A/N ok before i go off to the land of random the video on the side contains the love drunk dance mentioned in this chapter its at 0:49 and again somewhere else in the video but i cant remember where oh and Ross Lynch is in the video as Riker and Rocky are his older brothers!! and now let me take you on a magically journey to the land of randomness i have a tea addicition yep im living up to the british stereotype of drinking lots and lots of tea but its so yummy!!!! oh and i got my options form today and found out im doing music drama and history!!!!!!!!!!!!! that made me really happy!!!! and now beause i seem to be droning on im going to do something random and leave but i dont know what to do so use or imaginations while i walk out ok bye!!!

turns round where did the awesomely talented author go???? you ll never know! oh that sounded a bit creepy oh well for the last time bye!!

I'm the queen of the pranks and your the sticky victim!Where stories live. Discover now