lost count of days but anyway pranker on the run!

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I woke up to no birds singing and the water tank making tank noises if you get what I mean. I got up and decided to start the day by getting dressed I grabbed a pair of ripped skinny jeans, bright pink suspenders hanging down, a pink Ramones t shirt (cause I’m cool like that), hoodie, battered converse and utility belt after deeming myself sexy enough to go out today  woke up the girls in true Emily fashion. I picked up a bullhorn and screamed wakey, wakey down it, their reactions priceless! I burst out laughing and collapsed in a giggling mess to the floor.

After I finally calmed down Carter made us breakfast as I can’t cook and Scarlet did it yesterday. She made us yummy pancakes so much better than Scarlet’s lame cheese sandwiches “hey!” Scarlet exclaimed angrily to me whoops looks like I thought out loud! Time to think of a snappy response to save my butt “I’m half asleep I say and think things I don’t mean” my response must have been believable as I’m still alive! So after we cleared up breakfast and stuff we got back to work on getting our revenge on Petunia “we still aren’t getting anywhere so let’s become masked prankers and secretly prank round the building” I suggested the girls all agreed so we got to work on making our masks we had spray paint and old plain tie up drama masks like you would find at a masked ball (I think). So anyway we were designing our masks my one was yellow one side and green the other side with black rings round the eyes and pink paint splatters it looked quite epic! Carter and Scarlet just painted theirs block colours with paint dribbling down them like blood. We grinned at our creations and waited for them to dry. While waiting for them to dry we thought of our secret identities’ clothes, we all decided on like a killjoy look as killjoys are awesome! I went with bright orange and yellow skinny jeans, a white tank top with “kiss me” written in pink, a black leather jacket, orange and yellow fingerless biker gloves and bright orange converse the other 2 went with something similar to mine but a little more toned down. Our alter egos were ready!  

We were lounging around playing 21 dare and other silly games when the walkie talkie came to life, I put down my cards and picked it up “Captain Cookie here, may I ask who is controlling the airwaves?” I asked the mysterious caller “ahh Emily or should I say Captain Cookie it’s your pal Petunia” the mysterious caller said in a scary voice when the girls heard this they stopped what they were doing and gathered round “oh hay Petunia what’s happening steal any good pranking supplies?” I replied casually she wasn’t about to scare me “stop messing around girl” she snarled ok now its official I’m worried for my life! Nah just kidding but I am a bit scared “I’m not messing but stick round and you’ll see the definition of messing around hit your building” I said menacingly “is that a threat?” she asked “oh no it’s a promise” and with that I turned the walkie talkie off, I turned round to the girls “alright girls it’s pranking time” they agreed we got changed into our cool outfits and masks and crawled off into the vent system.

We got out at the pool and pulled out blue dye that stains the skin for like 48hours and poured it into the pool, next stop was the lobby we glued all the pens, magazines and stuff like that to the tables. Good job so fat! We then filled the elevators to the roof with foam and covered the toilets with paint and toilet paper. Satisfied with what we started we went back to our hideout and awaited Petunia’s reaction. Not long after we heard a terrible shriek I popped my head round from the makeshift changing room as I was changing into something more comfortable and less obvious so no one could pin the pranks on me and grinned at the girls they grinned back. I went back behind the curtain type thing and finished getting dressed when I did come back round I was wearing what I put on this morning. I sat back down and we continued our card game that Petunia interrupted earlier.

It was late in the evening when we found out any more news on our undercover pranks. Josh came down “hey guys you should see Petunia, she’s blue!” he exclaimed “score” I shouted out while the other 2 did a lame victory dance “was that you guys?” Josh asked we all nodded he gave us a round of hi fives and congratulations. After our update he had to go. But it wasn’t that big a deal as soon after we were getting ready to go to bed then actually going to bed.

A/N tada i turned petunia into a smurf!! go me!!! hwo amazing am i???? hope this gave you a few laughs and hope you enjoyed the video attached to the last chapter as i love that band and think they are soooo cool! but anway enough about me how about you???? comment and tell me about your day and other random crap that il pretend to care about

alright see you around soon bye!

I'm the queen of the pranks and your the sticky victim!Where stories live. Discover now