another day has gone unpranked

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I woke up yet again in the stingy basement (is that the right spelling I don’t know, oh well) groaning I got up and dressed in high waisted shorts, long rainbow socks, grey tank top tucked in, rainbow suspenders, hoodie, battered converse and utility belt! What a cool look for a cool pranker! So anyway enough about how stylish I am I looked around and surprise, surprise the girls were still asleep grinning evilly I knew how to wake them up I sneaked round carrot ninja style and filled up two buckets with ice cold water I tip toed over to where they were sleeping and poured the insides of the bucket all over them, they bolted up and both screamed “sshh people are trying to sleep” I held my finger up to my lips and whispered tilting my head to the side being childish they just glared at me. Oh what a great start to the day!

After they finished glaring at me and dried up they made me breakfast yay! Well except in my case they hadn’t forgiven me for pouring water over them so I had to make my own breakfast which was a total fail so I stuck with an apple and piece of bread and butter. I nibbled on my apple and glared at their mouth-watering bacon, they saw this and smirked.

After eating my cruddy breakfast we planned another surprise prank and set the plan in motion. Carter contacted Josh to tell the rest of the prankers to help us get their stuff back, they happily obliged. Me and Scarlet dressed as our alter egos crawled to my apartment where the rest of the prankers were assembled all dressed like us with their masks “alright people, I’ve got spare prank supplies. Now let’s show Petunia who’s boss!” I yelled out they cheered with excitement. I filled them in on the plan and the roles they played oh this is gonna be sweet! Literally!

(A/N was going to leave it here but i thought na to lame and short lets continue so here we go! now skip the rest of this authors note as i am and continue reading)

Me, Alex, Josh and Jamie were hiding behind the potted plants outside of Petunia’s apartment I would have brought the girls but they begged me as they missed out on all the fun last time. We were waiting for the signal (Scarlet dropping a water balloon in the same shade as Petunia’s skin) when at last the signal came! I picked the lock and ushered the boys in we looked around her pink apartment when we saw a leather book sitting on her dresser “hey guys what’s that?” I pointed at the book; they shrugged their shoulders at me and came to take a look along with me. Slowly I picked up the book and opened it, to discover Petunia’s diary “mission kinda accomplished” I said to the boys, picking up on what I said they nodded and we left. Them to continue on their lives in the building and me to go back to my icky basement.

Back in the basement behind the curtain I was changing back into what I put on earlier. Shrugging my hoodie back on I walked out from behind it “hey guys look what me and the boys found” I called out grabbing the diary and the girls attention, they looked at the diary intrigued “wanna read?” I asked bouncing it in the air they eagerly nodded and we crowded around a table reading it:

Dear diary,

Today a bunch of those pesky kids decided that they should be allowed their pranking stuff back. I’m not impressed I will put a stop to this, there will be no more messy pranks happening in my building ever again! Those stupid children need to grow up and stop messing around this is a posh living quarters not their playground! They have no respect for anyone or anything can’t wait until I have enough fake evidence to get them all kicked out especially that Emily, she’s the worst out the lot! Well it’s time to go catch her doing something she shouldn’t be doing.

Petunia xxx

We looked up from reading that entry and stared at each other appalled she’d do such a thing “revenge with the diary?” I ask “revenge with the diary” they agree. We get to work creating diary entry banners which dressed as our alter egos we are going to put up all over the building. Who’s getting kicked out now Petunia?

We worked late into the evening making all these big banners. We made about 10 when we called it a night and got ready to bed. They went to bed straight after getting changed whereas I went back to my old apartment for a bit making myself a cup of tea and exploring what I use to call my home. Eventually I decided it wasn’t safe for me to stay any longer in my apartment and left good thing too! As the moment I closed the grate behind me my door creaked open to reveal none other than Petunia in all her pinkness “this apartment would make a nice room to store all my secrets in” she said to herself looking round. I continued listening to what she was saying till the door closed and she was gone. I crawled back and lay down pondering on what the old hag said.

A/N dun dun dun!!! hope you enjoyed the chapter and kinda cliff hanger but it poberly wasnt the best cliff hanger youve ever read but oh well!

now im going to do an amazing magic trick and disapear! bye!

I'm the queen of the pranks and your the sticky victim!Where stories live. Discover now