Chapter Nine: Werewolf

Start from the beginning

Weird though. If he was bitten though...I wonder if the werewolves knew about Abe. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Drake grabbed my hand and we began walking back toward my house with Unicorn boy and Daisy behind us as I tried not to think to hard about the blood on me. We went to the boardwalk when I started walking toward the beach and Drake let me.

The waves licked at my shoes as I walked in deeper and deeper before the water began to make some of the blood dissolve from my clothing and the salty coldness made started making my body feel numb. Salt water dissolved the blood on my hands next like it wiped a crime from my conscious though it wasn’t my fault that the werewolf died. The waves began pushing me and sucking me in when the water finally reached my hips before I finally decided to dunk my whole head into the salty cold water.

Forgive me.

I stood back up with some effort and walked toward the shore before I finally sat down in the warm sand.

“Do you want to go back home?” Drake asked as he sat down next to me, watching me. Another dead body and I can’t feel anything anymore. No fear, grief, or disgust over the dead, but maybe a little relief...Does that make me cruel? The blood felt disgusting against my skin, but at least the salt water replaced the smell of iron and the blood wasn’t in my hair. My muscles ached from the fight and I wondered if some of the blood in my scalp was my own when the werewolf yanked me to my feet. I looked at Drake, who kept his eyes locked on mine, and found nothing, but concern.

As I stared up at him, I finally said, “Did you have to kill him?”

“Yes,” Drake said as he tilted his head up slightly and looked at the clear sky where just beyond grey clouds that began to tower like an incoming wave, “for I am your protector, your guardian and I will kill everyone until you and I are the only ones left in this world.”

Until we’re drenched in blood; watching Drake fight was like a dance sometimes. A lovely, smooth dance with gentle movements that made the world stop and stare at him while all I could do was stare at him frozen to my spot. I thought about my nightmare and remembered the look on his face as the fear began to tighten my stomach.

Drake leaned down and grabbed onto a piece of my hair before braiding it before he asked, “What? Did that statement scare you? Because I will do anything to protect you, my prince.”

He leaned down toward my face as I leaned back slightly.

Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

There it is again.

That feeling in my stomach and how my heart felt as if it might come out of my chest... It doesn’t feel like the insanity that I felt earlier, but what the hell was it then?

“EK!” Daisy squeaked as she flew around me. Drake pulled away from me and let out grumble of how some people need to learn about tact. “I still can’t believe that you ripped off that wolf’s head. Don’t you think you could’ve found a better way to do it? What’s wrong with a quick stab in the stomach? That doesn’t leave much mess and they die slowly.” She gave me a big smile before her nose scrunched up. “Oh yuck, Matty, you smell horrible by the way. Why don’t you just go and take a nice long hot bath? It’ll be good for you, but I wonder, what are we going to do now-”

“DAISY!” Drake and I yelled in unison as she flew behind Unicorn boy and stuck out her tongue at us.

I looked at Drake and felt my face heat up slightly; what the heck just happened? Placing a hand over my heart, I thought about what had just happened and everything that’s been going on with Drake and I. When did everything get so weird?

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