Chapter 30 Training

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A/N: I know it's been a long wait, sorry. I'm in dog grooming school. I'm having a blast. THis is really short but I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 30 Training

The day of training came around and I was in a field I was becoming very familiar with. I was waiting with my family for the wolves. I would have to take my wolf form later to show them how to fight and learn how to fight in that form myself. I wished I was strong enough to take on another form, but I wasn't yet. I knew what my next form was and it would be very useful. Before long Edward and Bella pulled up in Emmet's jeep. Moments later the wolves arrived, all of them.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward said.

"They came, that's what matters," Carlisle said stepping forward. "Will you translate?" Sam growled as he came closer.

"Hey Jake," Bella said looking at a rust-colored wolf.

"Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns and will teach us how to defeat them," Carlisle said.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us," Edward said.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood still lingers in their tissue. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in the first several months of this life."

"Carlisle's right, that's why their created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are: first never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly, Second never go for the obvious kill. They will be expecting that and you will lose. Emmet." Jasper stepped away from the wolves and he and Emmet stepped into some kind of ring. "Don't hold back."

"Not in my nature," Emmet said and the two were fighting. Jasper easily avoiding Emmet's attacks.

"Never lose focus," Jasper said as he took Emmet down. It was always fun watching Emmet being knocked down a peg. Edward was up next. He would be harder to fight seeing how he could read minds but he was fighting dad, not Jasper. Edward managed to pin dad but looked to Jasper, turning his back to dad. "One more thing, never turn your back on your enemy," Jasper said as dad took Edward down.

Rose against Jasper was next. He signaled her to come forward. I wanted to go, I wanted a turn. She swung at him without hesitation but didn't land a blow. Alice came up next. She dodged all of his blows, being able to see them coming. She ended up jumping out of a tree and landing on him. Esme and Aiden took their turns and I stepped up, not about to be left out. "Ash, I don't want you in the fight," Jasper said.

"I killed James on my own, try me." Before he could respond I took a swing at him which he blocked but he didn't see the kick in time and I took him down for a moment which was all I needed to pin him where I could easily rip him apart. "I win."

"Nice dance and nice kick," he said. I got up and pulled him with me. "Don't be so direct with a newborn though, they'll see it coming. That's when you'll get hurt or killed. Do you want to try it in wolf form?"

"You trust me not to bite you?" I asked double checking. He knew how strong my jaws were, I could easily snap him in half.

"You could never hurt me," Jasper replied. "Besides it would be good for them to see." I nodded and took on my wolf form and waited for Jasper to attack me. When he started running I too ran at him, but slid under him before grabbing him around the middle as he tried to dive onto me. With that, we finished for the day and left.

Bella found out about Jasper's past, about how he had to kill newborns when Maria was done with them. How he thought what he and Maria had was love, then how he thought he had that with Alice, then I came along. "I don't know what I would've become without her," Jasper said looking at me.

"You never have to be that again," I said putting my forehead against his and wrapping my arms around his waist.

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