Chapter 23 Food Fight

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. My mind has been on other stories. I'm also sorry that this is so short. I hope to get a long and better part out soon. I'm not sure when that will be. I'll do my best to work on this story and a few of my others. Thank you for being patient and sticking with this story.

Chapter 23

After breakfast, I dragged Bella to my apartment so she could help me set things up. "Why did you stay?" Bella asked.

"You're my sister; it's the right thing to do. Edward is an idiot, a self-centered idiot. If he was really thinking about you he would be here." I pulled into the driveway of the address Carlisle had given me to find it was a small house and not an apartment. "Come on, come help me unpack," I said getting out of the car. She followed me up to the front door and I unlocked it.

"Well I was wondering when you were going to get here darlin'," I heard Jasper's voice.

I dropped my keys and my purse, "JASPER!" I called excited. I ran right up to him. "I didn't expect you for a few more days." I wrapped my arms around his neck jumping up into his arms. "Come on in Bella." Jasper was laughing as I nuzzled him.

"I didn't like being separated from you, I came last night. I missed you too much," Jasper replied.

"Such a sweetheart," I replied kissing him.

"Hello Bella," Jasper greeted.

"Hi," she said. "Have you heard from him?"

"No, I haven't. Give him some time Bella and let Ash beat the shit out of him."

"Don't worry Bella, I won't leave any permanent marks on him," I replied. "Internet people coming out today?" I asked.

"Yeah, they'll be here in an hour. I already cleaned the place, just have to unpack. Where should we start?" Jasper asked.

"The front, kitchen first?" I asked walking into the kitchen where some boxes were sitting. Throughout the day Jasper and I manage to get Bella to laugh, she and I had a pillow fight when setting up my bedroom. During that time Jasper fixed lunch when Bella and I joined him we ended up having a food fight.

"Oh my god, Ash you have noodles and egg in your hair!" Bella said laughing.

"You've got cheese and veggies in yours," I said laughing. Jasper was laughing at us as well. He was covered in food as well. "We should probably all get cleaned up," I said still laughing.

Later once we were all cleaned up and the house was set we were all stretched out on the sofa, "Thank you, both of you. Today was great."

"You're welcome Bella," I said. "Come on over anytime. I'll see you at lunch tomorrow."

"I'll pick you up," Jasper said. He still was in high school.

"Thank you," Bella said.

"I'll drive you home," I said standing.

"How will you get home, we took my truck and Jasper has your car."

"Don't worry about me Bella, let's get you home." With that, I took her home for the night.

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