Chapter 2 Finals week

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Chapter 2 Finals Week

The next day was more of the same. When I came into the lunch room at lunch I noticed Jasper wasn't with his family. I looked around the room to see him sitting in the back with his head down on the table. I noticed his shoulders seemed to be shaking. I walked toward him instead of my usual table, "Jasper?" I asked sitting down beside him.

"Oh, hey Asha," he said and it sounded like he had been crying. As he tried to move away I grabbed his hand, keeping him from leaving.

"What's wrong Jasper?" I asked in a kind soft voice. He shook his head sitting back down. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but if you want someone to talk too, I'll listen." He nodded and placed his hand over mine that was holding his other.

"Thank you Asha," he said before nodding to the tray of food in front of him, "help yourself, I'm not hungry."

He pushed the tray towards me, "Thanks," I said eating the pizza leaving my other hand in his. I was aware of him watching me eat but I didn't mind. I felt relaxed around him.

"Hey short stack, you hanging with the freaks now?" a kid shouted across the room.

I rolled my eyes, "No, you're the freak, asshole. I guess that means I'm hanging out with the nice kids. And I'm taller than you, short stack." Jasper chuckled at that. I may have been only thirteen but I was nearly six foot tall. I returned to the food in front of me. I pulled my water out and took a drink before moving on to the small salad and fruit cup he had on his plate.

As I finished the salad Jasper spoke up, "I'll tell you." I turned to look at him. "A few months ago Alice met her soul mate, Aiden. We had been together, but I let her go so she could be happy. Today is the anniversary."

"I'm sorry Jasper," I said giving his hand a squeeze just as the bell rang. I grabbed the fruit cup and fork as he picked up the tray. I quickly finished my lunch and followed him.

"Thank you for listening," Jasper said as we walked side by side.

I sent a wave of peace toward him, "you're welcome."

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