Chapter 28 Missing, Disappearances, and Killings

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A/N: THis is short but you all wanted an update so this is what I came up with before work. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 28 Missing, Disappearances, and Killings

Over the past few months in Seattle, there had been killings and disappearances, the first one was Riley Biers, he went missing a year ago. There was a lot of destruction being done in the city, more than what some humans could cause and more than just a few newborns. Jasper didn't want me away from the family; he wanted me to have someone with me at all times. I had to remind him that I knew how to take care of myself and that I could fight a newborn.

At this moment we were watching the news as Edward came in with Bella. When she found out that it was an army of vampires she wanted to be changed now. "You'll be a liability," Jasper said.

"Besides think of your father, what it would be like for him if you suddenly disappeared," Carlisle said. Bella gave in, now wasn't the time. Emmet wanted to go fight the vampires as we were the clan close to Seattle. He was always ready to fight. Bella was worried about the Voultri coming here and seeing she was still human, Emmet didn't care as long as he got to kick someone's ass. I shook my head to my brother.

"I'm going to go see if Sam will agree to a mutual understanding if a fight is to happen. We won't be able to take them all on alone," I said leaving the room and heading outside where I shifted into a wolf and headed for the border. Victoria was still out there somewhere.

"What do you want Ash?" Sam asked as I sat at our usual meeting place.

"Do you think we could reach a mutual understanding where your pack would be willing to help the Cullens protect Bella from newborn vampires and fight alongside the Cullens if worse comes to worst?" He looked at me like I had lost my mind. "I ask for my sister. Bella is friends with you as well."

"I'll discuss it with my pack, but I believe we can reach an understanding as long as we get to kill some vampires," Sam replied. I nodded.

"I believe that is the plan if things come to that, thank you. I'll keep you updated." With that, I left. I knew that this would end badly, Riley would never get to go home to his parents, his parents would never get any answers, he would just disappear off the face of the earth like he never existed. It would be the same for all the other newborns, their families would have no idea what happened to them. They would never come home, no answers, no closure, no body, no anything. Their friend, sister, brother, mother, father, uncle, aunt, cousin; would just disappear, leaving only memories of themselves behind and a headstone with an empty casket.

This is what being immortal meant, you had to fake your own death to save your loved ones pain in a way. They would age while you remained young. If they found out they would be killed. So an immortal would fake their death to save their loved ones. I didn't worry about my biological family; my birth parents were most likely dead by this point. My real family was immortal like I would be. I didn't have to worry about that.

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