Chapter 23:Take my hand

Start from the beginning

Later I left with him and we went to meet the boys.oh Lord how happy they were to meet bang pd.He was hugged a lot.later on he explained the situation to the boys.

I can't believe I tripped and fell.I hope jimin doesn't think I tried to kill myself at that moment.I can't even handle it.

What was I thinking? Its like I just came back to my senses.

I was so scared I was going to die but thankfully he was there he saved me but how can I face him after this.

As soon as I stood up I had to get away from there cos I felt so ashamed of what I did.I pretty much hurt him and am sure he's mad right now.

I quickly ran from from there and now am in my room locked up.I don't even wanna come out.I was foolish if I thought that plan would work.All I did was make a fool of myself.

I'll never open ma door ever again.


Narrator POV
Jimin came back home with pdnim and the guys were so thrilled to see him.
They all have him hugs out of joy and happiness.

Soon after it turned to a serious atmosphere with pdnim explaining to them the status of the current situation at big hit.

After all that jimin tried getting to y/n but to no avail.He tried and tried no answer.

Until finally he decided to go to y/n's house.

He got there but Jessie told him she had locked herself in her room.

He walked to her door.He heard her sobbing from inside.

"Y/n...y/ up"jimin said knocking her door.

"Go away I don't want to talk to you"

"But I do want to talk to you"

"I can't even face you right now how do you expect me to talk to you... I feel ashamed"

"Y/n listen to me,I want to talk to you and I don't want you to feel didnt do wrong"

"Yes I did and I just want to leave me alone"

"Open up y/n...don't you dare hurt yourself cos I'll never forgive you"

"Y/n...?? ....y/n...??"jimin called out but no answer from inside.He decided to break down the door out of fear that y/n will hurt herself inside.

He broke the door finally and saw y/n on the floor with a knife on her wrist threatening to pierce.Jimin was quick as he grabbed it away from her and hugged her.

"if you ever do something to me like this ever again i won't forgive hear me"jimin said as he kissed her forehead.

"Am really am so..."

"Just stop already...shhhh"jimin said trying to calm y/n down.

y/n's tears were overflowing now as jimins shirt was basically wet from all the tears.She was crying so much as she buried her face into jimin's chest with jimin holding her tight.

Y/n cried so hard till she finally fell asleep in jimins arms.

Jimin carried her and put her on the bed
He sat next to her watching her sleep till he finally fell asleep next to her.

Later on at night,y/n shook from the bed as she saw jimin on the bed next to her.she got a little startled,but was relieved when she realized it was jimin.

She adjusted herself and sat up covering jimin with the blanket a little.she just sat there caressing jimins hair.just then.

"Y/n...? How are you feeling now take.."
Jessie shouted from where she was entering the room.

Jessie smiled a little as she saw what y/n was doing with jimins hair.

Jessie turned back immediately.

This made jimin to wake up and y/n to shake from where she was, pretending she was asleep.

As jimin woke up,then saw y/n sleeping.He then gave her a peck on her forehead.On going out,y/n held jimins hand.

"Don't go"y/n said as jimin turned back to look at her.He then sat on the bed after that and smiled at her.

"OK I'll stay here with you but where do you expect me to don't except me to sleep on this bed with you right"jimin said smiling.

"Oh sorry I'll go see you off"

Y/n said getting up from the bed laughing which made jimin laugh too.

"So you scared of me,huh"jimin said

"Yaaahhhh what are you talking about of course am not"y/n said blushing and then shoving jimin's arm shyly.

Jimin smiled.

He then took her hand and they walked out the door.


Jimins POV

I told her good nite but I didn't want to leave. I kept staring at her even as I was walking away towards my car.Then a thought came to me.

"Would you like to come with me for a drive"I asked her.

I said good nite already but I didnt want to leave for I wanted to see her a little bit more.

"I would love to"she said as I directed her to the car and let her in.

We drove to various places and then we reached at a road that was really quiet and was so peaceful and quiet .At this moment I was looking at the road cos it was empty I kept looking at y/n.

Just suddenly we heard this was so scary and It felt like we had hit something or someone.We weren't quite sure of it tho.

We decided to get out of the car and what we saw was SURPRISING!!!!

Sorry I took forever to update this book.oops I kinda had some issues.I hope you love this chapter.

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