Chapter 31- always coming to the rescue

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*Camila's POV*

My chest was tight and my eyes were watery as I leaned against the bathroom wall, nowhere to run. Victoria and her posse surrounded me, vicious looks on her face, I had no doubt that this was gonna be payback for what Lauren did to Victoria. I scanned around the small remote area, hoping that Lauren would come to my rescue just like she always did but sadly no one came.

My palms were sweaty and a lump had formed in my throat, I didn't know what to do. Fighting back if they were to hit me wasn't an opinion, I wasn't strong enough for that. I would get beat down so quickly if I even raised a finger to any of these people. Victoria's smirk slowly formed into a evil grin as she walked towards me, our faces now right in front of each other, our noses touching.

"Remember what your dear girlfriend did to my face a while back?" She asked and I just kept a straight face, biting the inside of my cheek to stop me from crying. "Answer me you fucking brat." She yelled and I kept quiet, just nodding my head lightly. Her grin turned back into a smirk at that and she turned around to her friends, letting out a deep, maniacal laugh that you usually hear bad guys in movies do.

"Well honey," she said as she turned around to face me again, "I'm about to do worse to your face." She raised her fist and I shut my eyes tightly, hoping the hits would just come quick and I would be able to get it over with. But instead of a hit to the face I heard a loud thud followed by loud voices. I opened my eyes to see some of Victoria's friends holding back a furious Lauren who seemed to land a hard hit on Victoria's face.

"Oh little Lauren, that was a terrible idea." Victoria grumbled out, grabbing Lauren's discarded softball bag and pulling her bat out. My stomach churned and I broke down into tears, falling to my knees not knowing what to do.

"Do it. I fucking dare you." Lauren snarled out and her eyes shone with fire, causing my stomach to twist into more knots. Victoria smiled sweetly, before lifting her fist, it connecting with Lauren's noise with a harsh noise. I got up quickly as I saw the blood pouring out and pushed Victoria away, trying to grab Lauren from the two side bitches who held her tightly. "Nuh uh little girl, you gotta let me finish what I started." Victoria said as she picked me up and threw me to the side.

She lifted Lauren's softball bat and smiled as she winded up, taking a stance a player would take at home plate. She tapped it lightly on Lauren's side as if to say that's where she was about to hit. Lauren's eyes shut tightly and my vision blurred with tears, and all I heard was a harsh cracking noise and the sound of my girlfriends cries. Then there was another loud hit and more cries. And another. And another. As a second passed another loud thud was heard but I didn't know what was happening now.

When I opened my eyes I saw a furious blond sitting on Victoria, punching her and a hurt Lauren laying on the ground. Then I saw Normani, Dinah, and Ally pushing the two girls who were holding Lauren and a bunch of parents crowding around. "Lauren!" I cried out crawling over to her, grabbing her hands in mine and crying into her chest. She was unconscious, barely breathing, her face bruised and bleeding. I couldn't even imagine what under her shirt looked like.

"Baby it's me, wake up baby." I cried into her chest, sudden to being lifted off her by someone as paramedics rolled her onto gurney. The arms around me were Austin's, he must've followed the crowd over here. I watched as Clara climbed in the back of the ambulance while her daughter laid unconscious in it. A wave of sickness hit me and before I knew it I was throwing up, my knees back in the dirt.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" A furious voice yelled and I turned to see Addison all red faces and flushed, staring down at Victoria who laid on the ground most lucky unconscious as well. I reached out and put my hand on her arm, her face and eyes softened when they met mine. She pulled away from whoever was holding her and wrapped her arms around me before passing me over to Dinah who was waiting to hold me.

"W-we go-gotta get-get to the h-hospit-al." I choked out in between tears into Dinah's shirt.

"Okay Mila, come on..." Dinah mumbled, keeping me in her arms as we all shuffled into Normani's car, following Mr. Jauregui's car to the hospital and incredible speeds.

When we got there we were informed that Lauren was in surgery so we had to sit in the waiting room. I slid down into a chair, pulling my knees to my chest and crying loudly, the sobs giving me hiccups. A soothing hand rubbed my back and I had no doubt that it was one of the girls, probably Ally because she always knew how to sooth people when they were in hysterics.

"She'll be okay, boo." Taylor, Lauren's sister, mumbled into my ear, taking one of my hands. Me and Taylor were never close, I only talked to her once or twice, but she knew how much I loved Lauren and I knew how much she loved her, we needed each other at this moment.

"Family of Lauren Jauregui?" A voice said and everyone's head snapped up to see an young doctor smiling warmly at us. "I'm happy to inform you that she is doing well, she's out of surgery and currently asleep. She suffered from three broken ribs and two bruised ribs, one pretty wicked concussion, a bruised jaw and wrist. But she's okay, she should be awake in a few hours, probably dazed and confused because of the medicine. Just follow me right this way and I'll take you to her room."

Everyone but me stood up, I just sat still and allowed them all to walk away, none of them noticing my absence. My stomach was in knots and I'm pretty sure if I stood up I'd collapse, my legs were no doubt feeling like jelly. I sat there for a few minutes with my eyes cast on the ground until a hand touched my shoulder and I lifted my eyes to see Normani.

"Come see her, Mila." She whispered, her eyes filled with sadness

"I can't..." I mumbled why not

"Why not?"

I didn't answer the question I just felt angry all of a sudden. "Why did she have to come to the rescue, she should've just let Victoria fucking beat me! She has so much going for her then she goes and fucking does this! I love her so fucking much and all she gets is hurt because of me! It's my fucking fault she hit Victoria all those months ago and this today was my fucking fault! I'm not good for her." I said, whispering the last part of the sentence as my voice died out and fresh tears poured down my face.

"Mila, what happened today would've happened if you two were just friends. It would've happened if it was me, or Ally, or Dinah up against that bathroom wall. Lauren would've stood up for us and she stood up for you because she loves you. She would walk through fire if it meant to keep you safe. You don't cause these problems, you know when Lauren loves she loves hard and she loves all of us and would've done the same exact thing for the rest of us."

"I'm so scared, Mani..." I whispered, "what about her softball career now, I doubt she'll be able to play this whole season."

"She'll be okay Mila..." And with that I got up and followed her to Lauren's room. My jaw dropped and the whole room can't be Lauren....


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