Chapter 18- how come

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Just gonna say this chapter is kinda boring, sorry guys

*Lauren's POV*

It was 7:20 in the morning on a dreary Thursday as I drove to school with Alexa in the passenger seat droning on about her dream. Apparently she had dreamt about the boys soccer captain Thomas Greenwood, she's been hopelessly in love with him since seventh grade. As we rounded the corner and drove into the schools parking lot, I couldn't be more happy about her sudden halt in talking.

Turning the car off, we both stepped out of the car. I said my goodbye to her as she went over to her other little group of friends while my eyes scanned the lot for my girlfriend. When my eyes landed on that cute little bow that she usually wears, a grin spread across my face. I hurried over to her, not caring about my surroundings. Her hand clasped mine tightly as soon as I reached her side, today was the day we were going to officially come out to the people in school.

Normani, Dinah, and Ally were talking about some random thing and I couldn't help but laugh as they began to argue over it. "Okay you three, shut up and let's get inside." I said and they obliged, following me and Camz closely. With my hand securely in Camila's as we walked down the hall, I knew people were staring, hell they were already whispering. We stopped at my locker first since it was first and I grabbed my books turning to face my friends.

"Shoot, I have homework to do.." Camila muttered and furrowed her brows

"Are you talking about the Calculus homework you didn't do because you were too busy." Ally asked, her eyebrows wiggling together as she looked at me and Camila

I blushed lightly and Camila stuck her tongue out," as a matter of fact yes, so I should get to homeroom so I can finish it."

"I'll walk you." I said instantly which made Normani and Dinah crack up, muttering "whipped" in between laughs

"No it's okay, I'll see you in physics." She said and smiled. I bent down and nuzzled my nose against hers before kissing her quickly. With a bright smile she turned and skipped down the hall, my eyes watching her intently as she disappeared around the corner. "Told you." A voice muttered and I turned to see Victoria and her hooligans standing next to the lockers, there eyes on me and a look of disgust on their faces.

"Dykes." Her twin, Zen, said stifling a laugh

"That's offensive," Addison said, "gay doesn't matter but Camila could do so much better."

"Leave them alone." A girl with redish brown hair said. She was about 5'4 and she was extremely beautiful, I was for sure that I've never seen her around here

"Fine Ariana, don't get your panties in a knot." Victoria said, shooting me a dirty look when she realized I was watching and listening to them. I shot a look back and went to step forward, but Normani grabbed my arm and drug me to homeroom. "God damn bitch." I muttered as Normani's grip tightened around my bicep. My mouth stayed shut as I made my way to my desk, laying my head down.

That's how I spent my whole day, my head down on my table. Much to my distaste Camz had to go to the guidance counselor for her junior interview during out physics period so I had to wait until lunch to see her. My eyes fell on the brown eyed beauty as soon a I entered the crowded lunch room. Kids were swarming to their seats, some eyes falling on me, whispers breaking out just like before.

I had wondered if people were whispering about Camila too, or did they just like talking about me? And if they did talk about Camila, how did she handle them? I felt the need to hit everyone who looked at me the wrong way but I knew I couldn't. It kind of enraged me about how judgmental people could be. How come one day everyone is perfectly fine with me but as soon as they found out I was dating a girl, it was like I was Satan.

People brought out the worst in me, it's ridiculous how they act, it's cruel and stupid. Why judge someone? Does it make you feel better? How come being straight isn't bad like being gay is apparently? You fall in love with who you fall in love with, no one has control over their feelings. I went seventeen years thinking I was straight and only into guys but then Camila came and changed my whole world, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any different.

Something hit me and I snapped out of my thoughts to see Camila and the other girls waving me over. I smiled lightly, my thoughts still heavy. I slowly walked over, my arm snaking around Camila's waist almost instantly as I sat down next to her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I absentmindedly played with her hand under the table while she munched on her lunch.

"You okay Laur?" Ally asked and I met her questioning eyes

"Mhm." I muttered. I was okay in a sense, my mind was just clouded, it usually was, I like to think too much and over analyze everything that happens around me.

"You're a bad liar." Camila whispered in my ear

"I'm not lying," I said giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm just thinking, my head is all clouded like usual." I continued, knocking the side of my head lightly

She kissed my temple and nuzzled her nose against my cheek before leaving a sweet kiss there. "Talk to me babe, don't keep it all in."

"It's nothing bad, I'm just thinking about why people can't just accept people for their sexuality. Like I'm so happy with you, literally I feel like I'm on a never ending high, and people sit there and disrespect my feelings. Like bitch, back the fuck up."

"Hey. Why worry about them if you're happy, right? You're all that matters."

I smiled and pecked her lips, hearing the other three girls gagging. "Stop being so cute it's nauseating." Normani said and Ally nodded her head

"Oh shut up too, you both know you ship camren as hard as I do." Dinah said with a huge grin on her face

They continued to argue and I noticed that Camila's tray was empty, so I picked it up and threw it out. On the way back to my table someone walked right into me, all of their food going right down my white shirt. It was Addison and she had a cocky grin on her face, everyone was now staring. "Oops." She muttered and I felt tears in my eyes, how come I was always the target?

I shut my eyes and moved out of the way, grabbing my books and walking away from everyone. Camila's hand grabbed my arm but I ignored it and went to the bathroom, shutting myself in a stall and just letting the tears flow. For being all tough on the outside, I was so soft and vulnerable on the inside.

COMMENT PLEASE :) I know it's boring but I had no inspiration. The next chapter is gonna be about their date and then the next few chapters will be from Normani, Ally, and Dinah's POV :)

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