Chapter 2- realizing feelings

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The last period bell rung out in the halls and classrooms, a feeling of relief passed over me as kids got up and swarmed out of the class. Finally, the first day of school was over, only a whole bunch more days to go, I thought to myself as I got up, grabbing my books off my desk. I was thankful that the day was over and I was about to go home. Not only does that mean I'll be able to get out of these skinny jeans and this dressy shirt into some sweatpants and a t shirt, but I'll also be able to hang out with my girls.

I pushed my way through the crowded halls of the school, passing couples who were like devouring each other's faces, passing some teachers and little groups of kids. As soon as I got to my locker I dropped my books inside and slung my bag over my shoulder, shutting it quickly and turning on my heel. I looked to my right to see my old best friend, Victoria Evans, she now happened to be someone who hated me dearly.

She stood there with her little posse made up of Britney Vera, her twin Zen Evans, and her boyfriend Levi Stevens. I rolled my eyes at the stuck up bunch of kids and walked past them, knowing they followed me with their eyes and whispered snarky little comments. Ya see, back when I was a sophomore I kinda got into a big blow out with Victoria because she had been picking on Camila one day and lets just say, I chose Camila over her.

"Lo!" A voice yelled and I turned my head to see and eager Camila running my way. I smiled and opened my arms, knowing she was going to crush me with a hug. A sudden smell of vanilla and lavender filled my nostrils as she fell into my arms, it was her shampoo, she always smelt so good. After a minute of hugging I knew I had to let go but there was something inside of me that said 'no Lauren, hold her tight, never let her go.'

"How was your first day of school, Camz?" I asked as we pulled apart. She shrugged a little and turned around, beginning to walk.

"It was just like every other first day," she started to say as I caught up, "teachers droning on about class expectations and whatnot. Kind of boring, but at least I have a class with you and all my rest of my classes are with Dinah."

I laughed at the last part. "You and Dinah better stay out of trouble." I said looking down at her, she winked and ran off, I watched as she jumped on a familiar girls back. Dinah. I felt a little ping of jealously deep down but I shook it off when I hand grabbed my wrist, dragging me over to the two laughing girls. I looked over to see Normani, a smirk on her face, Ally was right next to her.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked rubbing my wrist as Mani dropped it. She nodded and grinned widely.

"Let's go to your house nowwwwww!" Camila began to whine as she jumped off Dinah's back.

"I'll drive two of you, Ally you can take whoever is last." I said looking at all the girls

"I CALL LAUREN'S CAR!!!" Normani, Camila, and Dinah all yelled at the same time, as soon as they realized they all yelled it, two girls lunged at me. It was Dinah and Camila who had won, just like always.

"Dear lord, did you have to jump on me?" I asked and they said the usual 'of course'. I shook my head and said goodbye to Ally and Normani as the three of us walked out to my little beat up Sudan. Camz sat up front while Dinah sat in the back, those two rambling on about some class they share. After about fifteen minutes I got to my house, seeing that the other two arrived before me. I ran into the house, upstairs, changing my clothes before allowing them into my room.

Normani and Ally sat on my bed while Dinah took a seat on my computer chair, and Camila felt like making herself at home, sitting right between my legs, leaning her head back into my chest. I looked down and smiled, taking the ends of her hair between my fingers, lightly playing with it. I loved this, the whole having her close, I don't know what it was, but I just loved having her here, in my arms...

'You have feelings for her,' my conscience whispered and I rolled my eyes. Pfft, I thought, that's impossible. She reached up with her hand and took mine, intertwining our fingers together. Suddenly I felt a wave of happiness and safety pass over me. It was like this every time we touched, I cant even begin to explain it, but to be honest, I love it more and more every time it happens.

She was so beautiful, everything about her was literally perfect. The way she smiled, her voice, her teeth, those chocolate brown eyes that make me melt, I loved them all. "Laurennnnn!" Camila said snapping her fingers in my face. I looked around to see all five girls staring at me, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment and I looked down, removing my hand from Camilla's, twiddling my fingers together.

"What in the world has been going on in that head of yours today?" Camila asked, knocking on my head lightly

I bit my tongue from saying 'you' and instead, said "Sorry, I spaced out."

"You do that a lot." Ally pointed out

"I like to think, jeez."

Camila quickly changed the subject, "so how was everyone's day?"

"I slept in every class." Normani said with a laugh, Dinah agreeing with her

"I'm already stressed, I guess that's what happens with all honors classes." Ally said and I agreed

"wow you guys had a boring first day," Camila said, "I had an eventful day, a boy asked me out."

I choked on air and all heads turned to me at that second and I just cleared my throat before looking away. "Anyway like I was saying," Camila started to say, "this kid Johnny Vosters, asked me out but I turned him down, totally not my type." When she finished I felt a weight lifted off my chest and sighed silently in relief. I looked up to see Normani eyeing me cautiously, did my feelings really seem that obvious to her.

I quickly removed my legs from around Camila and walked into my bathroom, locking it behind me without a word spoken to anyone. I put my hands on the side of the sink and sighed loudly, looking at my reflection in the mirror. What was getting into me? Why was this girl who I've known for three years suddenly having my head go fuzzy with these crazy feelings?

A tear ran down my face, escaping my left eye silently. A question I couldn't even answer was; why in the world was I crying? It was kind of embarrassing, I was crying for an unknown reason. Maybe I'm going crazy? A soft knock came from the other side of the door and I heard Camila's soft voice. "LoLo, you okay?" I didn't answer I sat down on the side of the bathtub and just buried my head into my hands.

"Can you let me in? Just me?" She said, once again through the wooden door. I felt like pushing her away and just staying silent, but there was that really big part of me that wanted to let her in so I could cry in her arms. After quickly wiping my tears away and looking to make sure I hadn't looked like I was crying, I unlocked the door. I watched as the doorknob jiggled a bit before I saw Camila.

She smiled softly before shutting the door behind her, sitting down next to me on the bathtub ledge. She put her arm around my waist and I laid my head on her shoulder, that wave of happiness, safety, and security once again appeared. "What's wrong, Laur?" She asked in that gentle voice that I love so much.

"I don't know." I said honestly, lifting my head off her shoulder and looking down at my hands.

She retracted her hand from around my waist and grabbed one of my hands, intertwining our fingers again. "Just emotions?"

"Yes, I've been like this all summer..." What I said was true, I've felt emotional all summer, it started when she had went away. I had longed for her everyday, it was like I needed her, she always knew how to make me feel better.

"Well, why did you all of a sudden get all emotional when I said a boy asked me out?"

"It wasn't because of that," I said, "I've been feeling these swarms of emotions all day and that just made me feel sad. Who knows, maybe I just don't want anyone else taking care of my best friend."

"I could imagine that," she said with a light laugh, "I don't want anyone else taking care of my LoLo either."

I laughed a bit and she squeezed my hand tightly. "Let's get back out to the girls." Camz whispered and I nodded, our hands still intertwined as we walked back out into my bathroom. Not another word was spoken about what happened before and after the little bathroom talk, instead we just hung out and gossiped and just laughed like always, it was great.

Comments would be much appreciated :))))

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