Chapter 21- home

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*Lauren's POV*

“Mom, dad?” I said aloud and I felt my chest suddenly get tight, my thoughts racing. For the first time since I was kicked out I thought about what my parents told Chris and Taylor. Did they tell them I was gay and a disgrace? Are my own siblings, the kids I watched grow up before my eyes, going to hate me as well? With that thought in my mind I wanted to turn on my heel and just run out of my house, never wanting to return in fear of them all hating me.

There was a slight creaking of the wooden floor outside the living room and my eyes shot up to see my baby sister, Taylor, watching me with curious eyes. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, I just stared at her hopelessly. “They’re in there.” She said motioning towards the kitchen and I nodded, swallowing harshly as a lump formed in my throat. I tore my gaze from Taylor’s questioning stare, afraid of what she might me thinking as she stared curiously at me.

I dropped my bag on the ground and removed my shoes, remembering how much my parents hated when I tracked dirt over their clean wooden floors. Without another word spoken, I brushed past Taylor, knowing that I’d have to talk to her later about all of this and what’s going on. My stomach twisted and turned, a wave a nausea passing over me as I stood before the white door that was the last remaining thing holding me back from my parents.

I couldn’t push myself into opening the door and just walking in, so I stood there with the palms of both of my hands placed on the cold wooden door. My chest was tight and my mind was foggy, all I could imagine was seeing two pairs of searing eyes glaring at me as I walked through the door. Was it too late to back out? At this point, yes, but there also wasn’t any rush for me to go barreling through the door. Instead I chose to lengthen the inevitable by just standing there.

With all the courage I could muster, I pushed the door open, the conversation going on between my parents suddenly coming to a halt as their eyes snapped over towards me. My father motioned for the chair across the table from him and mom and I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat again and slowly taking a seat.

“I see you’ve come back.” My dad said stating the obvious

I snorted, “Well you did say a week.”

“Well, what’s the verdict? Are you still dating Camila?”

“Yes dad I am, and just so you know, I’m very happy.” His face distorted into a look of disgust as I spoke and he rubbed his face fiercely with his massive hands.

“When will this phase end?” It was my turn to look at him in disgust that scared feeling I had when I first walked in here had dissipated. I was now pissed, my blood was boiling. I ran my right hand through my hair, letting out an irritated sigh.

“Dad, it’s not ‘just a phase’.”

“Clara, tell your daughter she’s just being a silly little girl.”

My mom looked from me and my father repeatedly, it was like you could see her thinking deeply about something. I felt sort of…betrayed that my mother would just give up on me like this. If there’s anyone who knows me better than myself and Camila, it’s my mother. She knows when I make a decision its final and it’s what I want. She knows that when I love, I love hard and it’s not some childish love, it’s real and true love that you only ever see in movies like the notebook or safe haven or some other silly romance movie.

“Mike, I honestly think it isn’t a phase.” My mom said with a look of confidence on her face and I couldn’t help but smile. Maybe she hadn’t given up on me yet.

“What?!” My dad bellowed and caused my mom to wince, but bounce back quickly

“Look Mike, we don’t know if it’s a phase or not but she’s happy, just let it play out. Okay?”

A furious looking vein popped out of my dad’s neck and forehead, knowing my mother defeated him he let out a sigh of defeat. “You know what, whatever. Just go up to your room, we can talk about this later.”

In that moment I could’ve cheered and jumped around like a little kid, but instead I smiled at him like I won and walked out of the kitchen calmly. Grabbing my duffle bag from next to the front door, I ran up the stairs into my room, falling onto my comfortable bed. Knowing I was alone and in the comfort of my own privacy, I stood up and began cheering quietly, dancing around and flailing my arms. I was home and happy, not that I didn’t like Alexa’s house, I mean it’s nice and all but there’s something you always miss about home, you know?

I grabbed my phone and texted Camila, saying come to my house whenever it’s convenient. I turned Pandora on my phone and just danced around my room like a little child. I didn’t know how long I was there, but before I knew it I was belting the song Kisses down Low by Kelly Rowland and I heard a light knock at my door. I turned to see Camila standing in my door way with her eyebrow raised slightly, a seductive smile on her face.

I flushed furiously and shut the song off, covering my face in embarrassment. “Who let you in?” I asked before she could make some sort of sexual comment.

“Taylor, she seemed happy to see me. At least it wasn’t your father I came face to face with.” She said with a slight laugh, walking towards the end of my bed and taking a seat

“True, true.”

“So by the happy look on your face I’m guessing it’s safe to assume that you’re allowed to stay?”

I smiled widely and sat down next to her, “yes!”

“Did your parents give you shit?”

“My dad did, he still thinks it’s a phase but my mom shut him up.”

She sighed and laid back on my bed, “please tell me you didn’t get all sassy and piss them off or anything?”

That made me laugh loudly, “I don’t always get sassy during arguments. And no, I didn’t, my mom handled it and I’m allowed to stay, that’s basically it.”

She pulled me down to lay next to her and she draped her arm around my waist, snuggling into my side. I kissed the top of her head, taking in her sweet vanilla/ lavender scent. “I’m glad you’re home now, Lo.” She muttered and nuzzled her head further into my side, her eyes fluttered shut.

I smiled and let my eyes shut, “me too Camz. Me too.”


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