Chapter 28- one day

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*Lauren's POV*

I watched Camila as she lied peacefully asleep in my arms, her brown hair tussled all over my bare chest, her breathing steady along with her heartbeat. Her bottom lip was pouted slightly and her eyebrows were furrowed as if she were having some sort of intense argument in a dream. My eyes traveled over her bare upper body, well at least the part that wasn't covered by hair.

Faint, yet noticeable, red lines ran down her back curtesy of me and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. Beneath the covers our legs were tangled together in a mess and the comforter was bunched up, keeping us kinda cool. I couldn't help but wonder why no one dated her before I did as I ran my fingers up and down her forearm lightly. She was magnificent in every way and it just blew my mind.

It astounded me that no crummy boy came along and swept her off her feet because she literally perfect. Her jawline, her prominent cheek bones, those chocolate brown eyes that make me melt, and not to mention her personality in general; all those things were amazing and it just blows me away that no one else noticed that. I mean, I know Normani, Ally, and Dinah realize all those things since they're her best friends but I'm talking about boys and whatnot.

But what does it matter, I've got her now and I won't ever let her go because in my opinion, I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have her. I beat out every other boy or girl who was chasing after her and that makes me so happy. She wasn't just my girlfriend, she was my best friend, she was my everything. She made my heart race with just a simple look and made me smile by nudging into me lightly.

She was one of those pure people that are rare to find in this life. She possess a heart of gold and wears her emotions on her sleeve proudly, not afraid to be who she is. I know that she struggled with confidence when she was a freshman and sophomore, but to see how far she has come from being that little scared girl to this beautiful, confident girl makes me literally so happy.

A wave of sadness hit me when I remembered I was a senior and she was just a junior, that meant that after this school year I'd be going away to college. I didn't want to leave her, not after all this, but hell, I love her. If there's a will, there's a way, and I will do my everything to keep her forever and ever.

"Babe," a groggily voice whispered," didn't your mom ever tell you that staring isn't nice."

I giggled and reached out, moving some of her hair out of her face to meet brown eyes. I cupped her cheek with my left hand and rubbed it with the pad of my thumb. "I'm sorry, it's hard not to stare when such perfection is laying right next to me."

"God, I love you." She muttered, burying her now blushing face into my chest. I chuckled lightly and just ran my fingers down her back, enjoying the closeness of us. I felt her soft lips pressed on my shoulder, then my collarbone, then my neck and she stopped right in front of my lips. I could feel them, they were ghosting mine and if I were to lick my bottom lip right now, there's no doubt that I would lick hers as well.

"I love you too, baby." I murmured softly before grabbing the back of her neck and connecting our lips in a tender and passionate kiss.

On the table next to me, my phone vibrated and I sighed, pulling away from Camila. I grabbed it and looked at the caller Id letting out a groan as I realized it was Normani calling, no doubt wondering if I sealed the deal. "Do you mind if I answer this Camz?" I asked and she nodded, laying her head back on my chest, her fingers making patterns on my abdomen making me giggle lightly.

I brought the phone to my ear, pressing answer. "How may I help you Manibear?"

"Nothing in particular, I was just calling to see how you were doing?" She said and I shook my head

"I smell bullshit, why are you actually calling?"

"Did you and Mila spend the night together?"

I sighed and let out a laugh, "no Normani."

"Damn it," she sighed and then I heard her yell, "ALLY YOU WERE RIGHT, I OWE YOU TEN BUCKS NOW AND SO DOES DINAH."

"God, you two need to stop betting on Camila and I's love/sex life."

"Stop being such a sour puss, is Mila there right now?"

"Of course."

"Give her the phone." I sighed and handed it to Camz, sitting back while she talked on the phone. I slipped out of the bed which made Camila pout but I just stuck my tongue out and went to my drawer, pulling out underwear and a bra before slipping them on which earned a bigger pout from her. I shook my head and threw some clothes at her before slipping on a pair of sweatpants and a large t shirt.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and walked into my bathroom, brushing my teeth quickly. "Babeeeeee, Mani and the girls are headed over." I heard Camz yell from the bedroom. I smiled, I always loved spending time with the girls on the weekend although I know they're all going to assume sex happened even if we deny it up and down. A pair of slim arms wrapped around my waist and I spit out my toothpaste quickly, turning around to see a pair of brown eyes staring up at me in adoration.

I bit my bottom lip, mesmerized by the beautiful creature in front of me. I leaned in and captured her bottom lip in between mine, kissing her softly. As I was about to pull back, she wrapped her arms tighter around my waist, trapping me in a kiss as she deepened it. I was just going to pull away but I couldn't help but melt into the kiss, wrapping my arms around her neck, holding onto the little hairs back there.

He tongue brushed my bottom lip and I happy parted my lips, eager for our tongues to connect in a heated kiss. I groaned in anger when I heard the doorbell go off, finally breaking the kiss. "I'll go let them in," I whispered and kissed her temple, before exiting the bathroom and heading downstairs to the front door. I opened the door only to be bombarded in hugs by three of my closest best friends.

"Good morning to you guys too." I said with a laugh

"Spill the details.." Ally yelled as she pulled me towards the couch, Normani and Dinah right with us

"What details?"

"The date details, dummy." Dinah said hitting me in the back of my head

"Oh, it was awesome. She's so fucking awesome, I literally couldn't imagine being with someone else. We legit could have done anything last night like just cuddle and watch a movie and I would've been just as happy. She's my world, she's my everything and I'm so happy to have been with her for two months, I can't wait for the many more months and years we spend together."

"Get married." Normani yelled

I grinned at that. "One day Mani, one day we will."

THREE COMMENTS FOR NEXT CHAPTER-- Sorry if it sucks or if it's too short, I'm still dealing with some stuff and I just wanted to get a chapter up to make you guys happy. I love you all, I'll do my best to update more often.

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