2 - "White Locus"

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White Locus snapped her fingers and Zeus dug into his suit pocket, pulling a gold Montparnasse S.T. Dupont lighter out. Zeus leaned down and sparked the lighter, an orange flame igniting. The cigar between the woman's lips sizzled for half a second, until she inhaled the smoke. She leaned back in her seat, staring straight ahead at a wall, her oversized Cartier lens blocking her face.

"Time." She questioned.

Zeus lifted his arm, looking at his Bvlgari Diagono Chronograph watch. It was a big faced watch that was heavy on his wrist. "One-fifteen." He announced.

The queenpin smirked, pulling the $750 His Majesty's Reverse premium cigar from her lips. She blew the thick smoke out the side of her mouth. A strong taste of Louis XIII de Rémy Martin cognac decorated her tongue since each cigar was soaked in an expensive bottle of brandy. The cigar also contained Tobacco that'd been aged for eighteen years. She didn't smoke anything else but this.

White Locus looked around the upstairs of her family owned restaurant, eyeing the vacancy of it except for the three foot soldiers who all stood in corners, bluetooth's in their ears and strapped down. Today she had a meeting with Pranav, the kingpin of an organization in India. He was thirty-two and she's known him for years. Since she was a fifteen year old teenager. They've never had issues before. His family supplied her family with all the drugs and most lucrative medical equipment they needed. Today however was the day all of that may have changed, depending on how the meeting went.

"Boss, we just got word that Mr. Khanna has entered the building." One of her soldiers announced from the corner of the room.

"Good." White Locus announced. He was forty-five minutes late, and no one had ever been that bold before to keep her waiting. Especially in her own place of establishment; but it was clear he was the one running the show today and he knew it. "Don't shake him down, let em' up the way he is." She said excusing any weapons he may have.

The man nodded his head and touched the ear piece in his ear, mumbling something. Shortly after his hands returned behind his back and he stood up straight. All her soldiers were ready. From behind her shades, the five foot eight woman continued to eye the wall that protected a staircase behind it. She pulled the premium cigar from her lips, waiting for the man to come into her line of view.

Zeus was the only solider who stood close to her. He was her second pair of eyes and ears. A few minutes later, Pranav walked into the upstairs of the Hunter's family owned restaurant, Vous Et Moi. It was a French title meaning 'You and I.' A restaurant that was heavily themed on romance. It was meant for couples. It was one of the most lucrative eateries in Dallas, Texas. A reservation to eat took months in advance, and money to dine was a must.

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