Chapter 5; Flustered

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You screamed, punching your alarm clock with annoyance fueled by being awoken so early on a Saturday. 

You groaned and flopped to your other side, fairly certain you'd be able to fall asleep in a  moment considering how tired you felt. But, much to your growing dismay, you found that you couldn't fall asleep. 

Eventually giving up, you sighed, getting up and muttering a string of colorful words at your alarm clock. 

You picked it up and read the time. 


You thought aloud, very annoyed that you were already conscious. You grumbled with self pity and decided to get ready for the day. 

You hopped into the bathroom and took a very brisk shower, feeling a little more awake and energized as you stepped out. 

You hummed to yourself as you brushed your hair and teeth, taking your time, and although you would never admit it, you really enjoyed that Saturday morning, regardless of how early it was.

You shouldered a bag and walked out of your house, locking the door and proceeding to walk towards Grillby's. 

A small smile stole over your lips as you thought about the fire elemental, his pleasantly deep voice, how literally 'hot' he was, and not to mention his adorable fatherly side.

You sighed, rubbing the back of your head and thinking to yourself.

'Listen to yourself (y/n), not only is he probably not interested but he is your BOSS. You couldn't start anything with him no matter how much you want to.'

That thought banished the happy feeling you had just mere seconds before and you continued to Grillby's, trying and failing to get that walking candle out of your mind.

You saw the welcoming sight of Grillby's bar and made your way to the door, prepared to completely ignore how ridiculously adorable Grillby was-

Okay this line of thought was not helping. 

Whatever, the point was you were determined, you would not be distracted by Grillby no matter what.

With that confidence you strode into the bar, locking eyes with the flame man himself and completely forgetting about the oath you had made.

"Hey Grillby, you said you had my uniform?"

He nodded and walked out the 'Fire Exit', presumably to get your uniform.

A familiar skeleton was sitting on the same bar stool as last time and you moved to the seat beside him, already mentally preparing for the puns that you were sure would spill from his mouth... or jaw? 

Is that the same thing? 

What do they call it?

"Heya kiddo, did'ja miss me or were you just bonely?" 

Sans' smile widened and you let out a chuckle, man this was such a punny skeleton.

"Jeez Sans you really hit my funny bone".

Soon enough the two of you fell into a battle of puns, trying to see who was truly the 'Pun Master'. You two were so immersed in your game you hadn't noticed Grillby walk out of the back until he was standing so close that you could feel the heat radiating from him. 

You looked up into his bright blue face and down to his hand, clutching some clothes that you guessed were your uniform.

"I hope you like it, it's the only thing I had that seemed to be your size, but it's... uh... a little lacking in fabric if you get what I'm saying."

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