Chapter 2; The New Job

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The air was a little chilly and you regretted leaving without a jacket, the sun doing little to nothing to warm you, and you tried rubbing your hands together to stay warm.

After some time of walking and shivering you came across a little line of stores, the majority being run by monsters. 

Considering your town was near Mt. Ebott, you weren't very surprised. As you continued along the strip of stores and establishments, one building in particular caught your eye. 

It looked more like a cabin than a business, a welcoming warmth radiating off of it, and a large sign near the door that read 'Grillby's'. 

The name sounded familiar, and you decided immediately you liked it. With the nice comforting vibe, slightly worn look, and warm light spilling out of the windows which upon closer inspection had a "Help Wanted" sign in it. 

You grinned from ear to ear at it, knowing exactly where you wanted to work. 

You pushed open the door and became instantly warmed, a light jingle sounded above the door to notify your presence. There were many monsters and a few people eating food. 'So definitely a diner' you thought to yourself. 

Then you remembered why you heard that name before. 

Grillby's was a huge competitor of Muffet's, managing to steal many of her customers. 


You suddenly liked this place even more than you thought you did. 

You shook out of your daze and realized you'd been standing there for a while, most of the patrons turned towards you looking confused and apprehensive. 

You felt the heat in your cheeks as you walked forward and pretended to ignore the staring. Apparently they didn't normally see new faces often. 

Eventually the chatter started back up and you were ignored. You're gaze drifted to a man cleaning a glass behind the bar and felt your heart stop for a moment. 

The man wore a nice white polo shirt paired with a very stylish vest and bow tie. But that wasn't why you kept looking at him. 

He seemed to be completely made of.. fire? 

You couldn't help but intently stare at him in utter shock and disbelief. Orange flames danced in the form of a muscular man, having seemingly no face except for having glasses over two light slits of white which you assumed to be his eyes. 

Which were now looking right back at you. 

You looked down at your feet in embarrassment, the floor had suddenly become very intriguing. You continued to the bar very aware of his quite literal 'burning' gaze. 

You took a seat and risked a glance up.

He had finished cleaning the glass and was looking at you curiously, head tilted to the side with a look of innocent wonder. A blush rushed to your cheeks and, to your dismay, refused to leave. 

You cleared your throat and put out your hand in greeting. 

"Hello sir, my name is (y/n)(l/n), I noticed you were looking for help and I have come to apply for a job." 

He reached forward and took your hand, grasping it firmly and giving it a gentle shake. His hand hadn't burned you, but radiated a nice warmth. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you (y/n), I am Grillby." 

You looked at him in confusion, how in the world was he talking? You kept looking at the place where you figured his mouth would be and saw a small and barely noticeable line. He chuckled at your wondrous expression, a light, warm, deep sound that fit him very well. 

The Definition of Love (Grillby x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz