꒰ Chapter 7: "It's a secret" Part Two ꒱

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"Anyways Q. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just happened to pass by."

"Happened to pass by? Or did you stalk m-"


"EWW, YOU SPAT ON ME!" , Jimin wiped himself with his sleeves making a disgusted face.

"HAH THAT'S WHAT YOU DESERVE!" Jimin then put on that *Bish what did you just say face,

"Ehhh Jimin I'm gonna leave! BYE-BYE!" I quickly got up avoiding eye contact, but a strong force pulled me back.

I rotated my body facing Jimin. His arm was on my wrist, holding me back.

"You're not leaving Q. Stay."

"I have to-"

"Do you know how to dance?"

In mind; "Aiya these boys don't know how to respect people. Always cutting off peoples sentence, Jeez, let me speak."

"Yeah, I do. Why?"

"Wanna dance with me to We don't Talk Anymore?"He said. He expects an enthusiastic yes, but seeing that Q wasn't replying,    he was confused. Normally, people would beg to even see him dance not to mention a chance to be part of it.


"See, I knew you would say ye- wait what? No?"He doubted his hearing.

"Are you insane, I legit just met you today. What crazy person would agree to that?"

Jimin was embarrassed but he couldn't back down anymore. He suddenly remembered that Sehun mention that Q loved cake

"1 piece of cake!"He said.

"Pht, what do you take me for, You think that a piece of cake would win me over?"

"2 pieces"

"My kind sir, let's do this after I change."

I rummaged through my school bag and pulled out my spare clothes to change.

Jimin's POV

 I wonder how well she can dance... but I never imagined her to have brought spare clothes hahaha

-Choose your outfit 

-Choose your outfit 

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-A few minutes later

We got into position and did a little trial, then we started dancing out the moves.

*P.s. You're the first couple. 

Huffing and puffing, we both drank water to ease ourselves.

"I never knew you were so good Q."

"Thanks, Jimin. You're good yourself hehe" I laughed nervously as I checked my phone for the time.

"Jimin-ah I really got to go, I'll see you tomorrow. And about me knowing how to dance, please keep it a secret!" I waved goodbye and head towards the door.

"Ahh yes I'll keep it a secret.Would you like me to walk you home?"

"Nah I'm strong don't worry, If someone tries to touch me, I'll just beat them up."

"Alright take care on your way!"

"Yeah yeah bye!" I closed the door behind me and murmured, since when did Jimin become caring? Or has he always been this way... MEH

>Auth J:This is the first time that author L actually wrote the story so the style might be a bit different.

Thanks for reading :)

Agent Q ⇝ Bts x Exo / Exo x BtsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant