I need to know!

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Keith Pov
It's been weeks we have been searching for Edgar and my damn knife! But no luck even Adrian says that Edgar disappeared into nothing cause he doesn't text or call back. I'm starting to think he's in too deep and he's doing or planning something way worse. "Babe? You weren't focus in group training."

I was panting as I see the rest looking at me off "Sorry I'm just thinking about my knife.." I walked off the deck and headed towards Shiro. "Keith you need to focus, I know that knife meant a lot but it's gone and it's never coming back." "Don't say that! How would you feel if someone took something valuable of yours? Huh? It wouldn't feel so good!" I huffed as I looked away

"Sorry. I need space." "Keith?" "Not now Lance. Sorry" I walked by my boyfriend as I ran towards the locker rooms and changed. As I  pulled my shirt on I see someone in a dark hood and I grab my bayard and activate it. "Relax I mean no harm.." the stranger said as I held my guard up "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

He chuckles as he moved slowly but never left the shadows "I'm warning you I know how to fight very well. Don't test me." He starts moving in place as he pulls out my knife and I dropped my sword. "My knife? How'd you get that?!" I went to take it but he pulled back "So you've seen this sign before?"

"Yeah? But I never knew what it meant?" "Tough luck cause this is my sword" I gave a confused look as his small dagger turned into a sword. "Where or who showed you the symbol?" "All I know is I had a knife like yours when I was a baby. My parents left me at a young age so i don't know who or what they worked for."

I lowered my head as I backed away and sat down. "Its the only thing I had from them. Whatever they were and what they want me to be?" I just want answers! But how can I ask if no one knows? "The blades of Moroma. It's a secret division only the elite has even been picked. You're parents Must have picked you to continue their legacy. I'm Thace."

He held his hand out as I looked at his hand and his eyes. "Keith" we shook hands as I pulled back "Are you going to tell me answers?" "I will soon. But not until you have your knife." I groan "Tough luck some idiot took it and ran off with it so I'm no help there." He chuckles

"I believe you'll find it quite soon. When you do I'll come and find you. Don't tell anyone about this encounter." I nod as I heard the locker room doors open and as I look back Thace was gone. "Keith are you calm to talk now?" It was Lance and I wrapped my arms around him "Or we can hug it out? I'm fine with this."

After training I walked home alone as Lance had to take care of his siblings. I didn't mind it was better for me to clear my mind. Shiro was upset with my outburst earlier so he took a drive around. As I get home I go straight to my room and freeze when I see my knife with a note. I grabbed my knife and checked it and I smiled. I picked up the note.

'Sorry took so long. I had to really know where Edgar hid it. I hope you don't be mad at me for taking so long but I wish you luck on what's to come for you' -Adrian

"What comes for me?" I looked at my knife and wondered if I could make it to a sword? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I relaxed myself but got frustrated when nothing happened. "Oh come on!" I pout as I lay back on my bed and played with it. What were you guys? Were you assassin? Agents? Just give me a sign.

I sigh as my knife glowed a light purple as I'm in a flashback. I look around seeing the room look nice and clean. It was evening and a woman was pacing back and forth.
"This is perfect! What am I going to do?! I can't keep them here or else they'll know" who's they? "Kimora relax the twins will be fine. We'll keep them away from all of this and we'll be a family again."

The man stood and held the woman close as I walked closer I noticed her eyes. They were like my own. Her hair long and dark and her skin pale white. I was in awe as I heard babies crying as I turn I see a boy and girl. "I don't want them to go." Kimora held the baby boy as he open his eyes to have the exact color as her own.

"My precious baby boy. Keith~" I gasped as I backed up as the flashback goes forward and it's a disaster. The house is broken and photos are shattered as the man from before is holding the baby boy. He runs towards a larger building looking left and right before he pulls out the knife and wraps it in another cloth as he hid it behind the baby.

"Keith, be a hero. Just like your mother and don't choose the wrong path. Your sister will find you when you two grow up. Don't forget about us. I love you..son." He kissed the baby as he left him on the steps of an oprahange. He took off pulling his hood up into the dark as I ran towards the baby.

It was me. My parents were just protecting me from harm and whoever was after them. I also have a twin sister? I didnt even know. I woke up gasping and sweating as I looked at the knife. I have a purpose and I know my mother's name. I get up and pull out the blanket I had when I was a baby.

It had my initials at the bottom with red thread. 'KK' I looked around until there was something sewed to the back of it. How come I've never noticed before? I pull the thread and a small note falls out. I pick up the note and look at it. It's not a note but a map? I checked the time and it's 4 a.m. I could go now before school. I get dressed and head towards the place. I hope it has the answers I'm looking for.

Lucky You ~Klance AuWhere stories live. Discover now