Where your loyalty Stands

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Axca Pov
I stood in place watching Lotor go over plans he seen over a thousand times but yet to be at ease. I worry for him sometimes. "Axca!" I jumped as I nodded and stepped forward "Yes Sir" he held documents and files "Take this down to resources. Also we need to have a little chat. You and I." He side glance me and I nodded slowly as I left to take his documents. As I was away from his room I let out a sigh and shook my head as I stood up straighter I'm met with lavender eyes. "Axca?" I backed up a bit seeing it was Akira. He looked so much like my twin brother Keith.

Even if they were completely different. "Pardon me Akira I must take this t-to resources" I stuttered a bit as I began to walk but was pulled back and met with an intense glare. "You're his sister aren't you?" He said as his brow twitched "What are you talking about?" I said avoiding his eyes "Keith! The original! I see his memories and I saw you and Ezor talking to him. Are you double crossing us?" I shook my head "No I am loyal to Lotor" I ripped my arm from his "I'm certain I'm not loyal to you" I groaned as I left quickly. The sooner I get this the faster I can talk to Lotor.

As I returned the documents I headed back up to Lotors office to find Akira, Kuron and Ezor. Oh fuck what's happening. "Axca, Akira told me you yelled at him and told him you don't follow him." I lowered my head "Look at me while I'm speaking to you. Is it true?" I nodded "Yes Sir. I only did that because he grabbed my arm painfully asking personal questions." Lotor looked upset and looked at Akira "Akira you are not allowed to ask my generals any personal information about them. Or lay a hand on them. We aren't your enemy. If you touch her or anyone of my generals I will kill you and make another one."

Akira glared at him as I had a small grin. Ezor did as well. Kuron hit his back as he hissed "Speak up cadet" he takes a deep breath "Yes Sir." Lotor nods "Sir before I Go, were you aware that your generals sneak off and meet with Voltron?" This bastard! Ezor eyes widen and Lotor looked at us "My generals wouldn't double cross me. We basically grew up together. I have my trust in them." Of course we all became friends in school. And even when we were kids. "Well that may be? But are you aware that your dear general Axca has a twin brother?" Lotor gasps and looks at me

"Her twin is me" Akira said with a smug smile on his face "Your DNA that you used for me traces back to her. Her brother is in voltron and they talk all the time" "Liar! I'm an only child! And I'm a orphan! I lost both my parents! What would you know if I had a sibling or not?" Lotor came towards Akira and pulled me closer towards him to look at the similarities. I was so getting in trouble. "I say you two do look strikingly similar. Eye color, skin and a bit of the features. But as I know Akira, Axca has always been an only child. And her brother was me. My family adopted her into our own. So stop making stories about her or anything to save yourself. Kuron take him"

I wiped my eyes as Lotor held my face and wiped the tears "Relax, he's not gonna bother you anymore" Lotor embraced me as I looked at Ezor who looked worried "Sir" Lotor looked at her "May I be excused?" He nods "You may Ezor" she took off nodding and I was alone with Lotor. "What is you wish to speak with me?" He smirks. "Axca..please tell me the truth. Was everything Akira saying true? I won't be mad at you.." Why did it sound like he was going to be "Sir, I just found out that I had family that was alive. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner"

I started to tear up as he cooed and caressed my cheek. "Hey it's alright as long as you're okay with him dying soon.." I freeze as I moved away slowly "What?" He chuckled "Honestly you do realize he is on the enemy side?" "He went to the Galra school and trained harder than anyone else" he tilts his head "What's his name?" "Keith Kogane" Lotor smirked "So everything Akira said was true. At first I didn't want to believe that you of all people would go behind my back." I went to speak but was cut off as he held my neck making me feel small.

"I don't want you seeing him. If you do you will not be allowed back here. I will not protect you and you will no longer be my general. Are We clear?" I nodded "Good." He let go as I fell and held my neck as I coughed "Now go and fetch me Narti. I need to speak with her" I finally stood "Yes..Sir" I walked out and started to cry as I held my arms thinking about Keith. The only blood I have alive and he might be killed. "Narti, Lotor wishes for your presences" she signed to me and I said I was fine "Just go he doesn't like waiting."

She nods as she goes. I made it to my sleeping quarters as I felt a hand on my shoulder as I pulled my gun out "Whoa! I just wanted to talk" I lowered my weapon and let Isamu in. "What happened?" I started to cry as he held me in his arms "You're boyfriend got me in trouble. Lotor is upset with me and now I can't see my brother anymore.." He caressed my face as he shakes his head "Fucking Akira! Don't worry Axca I'll deal with him later. Right now just relax okay?" I nodded and sigh. The clone of my brothers boyfriend feels strangely comforting. I wonder if he's this caring and sweet?

"Thanks Lance..uh I mean Isamu" he looks at me "Is that my originals name?" I nodded "Yeah. I'm sorry it's just you act the way he does with my brother.." He chuckles "that's good. Hey I'm gonna make some milkshakes and I'll be back okay?" I nodded "Yeah. Sounds good" he smirks and leaves and I sigh. Maybe I should just leave and help my brother. Or better yet run away and never come back.

A/n An update Yay! Hope you like and I'll try to write more

Lucky You ~Klance AuWhere stories live. Discover now