Keith's back!

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~ 3 weeks Later

Lance Pov
Since the last time I've seen Keith he completely stop seeing me and even pulled me to dark corners or even cuddle sessions. It really felt like Keith was a ghost and wasn't even part of my life at all. My family kept asking about him and I told them he had work after school and couldn't hang.

They seemed convinced but they just dropped it wishing not to continue it. My older sister and brother looked worried about me since I always talked about us but I just kept quiet for the weeks that went by. They know how worried and how much I care about anyone, especially if they mean a lot to me.

Since then Allura pulled me, Pidge and hunk aside for an club after school for a special project. I didn't care so I went with it to keep my mind away from Keith but it pained me whenever Shiro said Keith's name and his duty of the club.

Shiro didn't even say a word about him at all. He didn't even tell me if he was okay? As I sat at the desk during our club meeting I heard door open as I thought I saw a ghost. "Keith?" I pushed my desk away as I ran into his arms as I started to cry as he held the back of my head "I'm here Lance"

I was sobbing as the rest surrounded us as pulled away as I crashed our lips together as he let out a surprised gasp as he held the back of my neck "I missed you" he said as I held his bruised up face "I missed you way more" we laugh as I embraced him again before I pushed him away and smacked his shoulder

"Where you been?!" He chuckles softly as he tilts his head "I've been busy and had to keep hidden. Not even Shiro knew" no wonder "Is everything taken care of?" He shrugs "Almost" I groan "But hey I'm back and able to be with you" he held my waist as he kissed the top of my head "As we're together again no more fake break up?"

"Yes Lance we're together again" I smiled and hugged him almost knocking us over "You know how hard it was to stop thinking of you?" "If it makes you feel better I only thought of you" "Oh you little-" "Stop! Stop being all mushy and lovey or I'll be sick" we laughed as I we sat down before Shiro and Allura walked in.

"Keith glad you can finally join us" Shiro said as Keith nods "Of course" they held a glare at each other before Keith held my hand in his lap as I smiled while listened to Allura. It was nice having Keith back but the air feels tense with his brother. After the club meeting Shiro pulled Keith aside and I waited at the front entrance.

No longer than five minutes Keith stepped out with his eyes glued to the ground with a slight glare as he had anger written all over his face "Keith?" He stops and takes a breath before he looks more relaxed "Yes Lance?" "You okay?" He nods "I'm fine. Let's get out of here" he interlocked our hands as we rushed out of the school and towards the park

"A park? This is new?" I said as we stopped at the giant fountain "Well we need to do fun things and enjoy life" I chuckled as I felt his head "What?" "Are you sure you're fine? You're acting weird since you came back" he sighs as his eyes close before he sits down "I'm stressed out lance" I sigh and sit beside him as I held his hand

"Well I'm here and you can always vent to me" I said as he chuckles a bit "I'm stressed by all the responsibility I have to take charge of. I'm scared if something goes wrong I'm in trouble and it's my fault. Shiro expects me to be a great leader and follower just like him but how can I if I can barely lead at all?" I caressed his knuckles as I leaned into him

"Shiro is right. You are a good leader and really good at directing when needed. You also tend to others before your own and that's something a leader should be" he smiles "Also did I ever tell you have hot and brave you are?" He kisses my nose as I smirked

"I missed your compliments..and your smile. It's been awhile since I've seen it" I tilted my head as I looked at him "Seen it?" "Yeah. When I left your room saying bye for awhile and you gave me that wonderful smile of yours" I blushed as I pulled his face and kissed him deeply until he pushed me away a bit "If we continue this I think we'll be having sex in this fountain" I laughed as I stood up

"Well we could go to my place but my sibilings are are annoying" he smirks before he stands up "I have a better idea and no one knows where this is" I was slightly amused but a bit afraid for what Keith had in store.

Keith kept looking around seeing if anyone was following but to be honest we were in the fucking wilderness and in the middle of nowhere. "Alright here we are" it was broken down shack and it looked old "A shack? Really Keith?" "Wait til you see the inside"

I raised a brow as we entered and I was lost for words as it was very modern and very cozy "It's also soundproof so no one can hear us" I smirked "Oh good to know~" he walked closer as he kissed me slowly as we backed up to a closed door "This is the bedroom" as he opened the door there was a queen sized bed that was perfectly made as there was a few clothes laying on the ground

"It's good that your habits haven't changed Keith" he scoffs as he attacks my lips as I moan between the kiss "God i missed you..your lips, your smile, your scent..everything about you" he rambles as he roams my body as lived in the moment of this.


I lay beside Keith as he ran his fingers down my arms as I pressed my lips against his neck. I missed this. Miss being close with Keith and enjoying the silence when we had time. I loved when Keith runs his fingers through my hair as it makes me fall asleep easily.

"You awake?" I looked up at Keith before I answered "Yeah" "I want to tell you what happened" I snuggled closer as I heard his heart start to race "I'm all ears" he chuckles as he kissed my head "After I left your place, Shiro and I talked and after awhile he healed me up. After a couple days I went back and decide to handle things my way"

I stay silent for a moment before I spoke "Did you..Uh hurt someone?" He nods "I had no choice. I'm sorry Lance now I bet you think I'm a monster" "No. You aren't a monster Keith just crazy" he chuckles as he pulls me closer "Would you ever leave me if I did it in purpose?" I shrug

"Don't shrug Lance be real with me" he moved a bit as I looked at him "If I killed someone in front of you..will you leave me?" I have no clue cause I went crazy for 3 weeks without Keith. Imagine if we did break up? I'll be miserable! "No" I said clearly as a smile appeared on his face

"Y-you wouldn't?" I shook my head "No. Keith you don't realize how truly in love I am with you. I feel like if you killed the person there must of been a reason behind it for you to kill them and besides I know you wouldn't purposely do it" he nods as I kissed him "I never had anyone fall in love with me before. You're the first Lance" I smiled as I caressed his face still seeing bruises "Well I'm the lucky one"

Lucky You ~Klance AuWhere stories live. Discover now