Fears and Tears

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Keith Pov
It's been almost a month since I last spoken to Anya, in all honesty I wanted to fix it but she just wants me to remember the past when it clearly hurts me. I make my way downstairs as I see Pidge eating some chips along with Lance "Why the fuck are you two doing here so god damn early?"

Lance stood up and tried to place a kiss but I pushed him away "What? No good morning kiss?" I shook my head "Not now I don't feel good" pidge swallowed what she was eating "Did you forget it's movie night tonight?" I raised a brow "Its like 9 in the morning?" Lance scoffs "Dude it's 6 p.m.? It looks dark cause of gray skies"

I stiffened at that and Pidge noticed "Keith? You okay buddy?" "Yeah I'm fine, where is Shiro?" "He went out with Allura" Lance answers as l looked at pidge "I panicked, your brother is still hot you know" her face was pink and I shook my head "I guess I can go take a quick shower and meet you guys in a bit" they nod and I head up to my room and noticed the skies look bad.

I could feel myself getting frozen with the fear. I took a deep breath because it hasn't started yet and beside I can't be a baby in front of Lance he'll tease me to no end. Even if we're kinda seeing each other? I grabbed my clothes and head for the shower, as i turn the shower on I heard a small rumble. I closed my eyes and got in the shower quickly and finished as fast as I could before I started hearing more sounds.

As i dried my hair I walked downstairs as Pidge set up Netflix "Thank you for showing up..you feeling okay?" Pidge asked with a concern that lance looked suspicious "Yeah Pidge, why wouldn't I be?" Lance stood up and wrapped around my waist putting his forehead against mine

"Keith is something bothering you? You can always tell me?" The tone he used relaxed me a bit until another rumble was heard and I looked away from him and tilted his head "Keith?" "I'm fine Lance let's just watch the movie" I sat on the couch as Lance took a seat beside me as Pidge laid on the floor with my beanbag chair she hauled from the basement

"How did you manage to bring that up?" "I have my ways" "Yeah if your way is making me do all the work" "Shut your quiznak!" They glared at each other and watched the screen. After a few minutes rained started hitting the window and I tried to relax and pay attention to the sci-fi movie. Lance held my hand and I couldn't bring myself to relax, I needed Shiro.

He needed to help me because my friends don't know how I get by. I shut my eyes and held tightly on Lances hand and I tried keeping my composer until a crack of thunder roared through the house and I ran out running into my bedroom and under my blanket. I didn't even care anymore that Lance knew I had a fear of thunderstorms. I just wanted it to go away.

"Keith! Where did you go?!" I heard pidges voice "Keith? Babe what happened?" Lance sounded concerned but I didn't budge until another crack and I scurried under my bed. It's a miracle that I still fit under here. "Where he go Pidge? I'm actually kinda worried" I heard her sigh and got down on her knees and look at me "What are you looking at?"

"He's under here Lance" lance dropped to his knee and saw me. Frozen in fear and acted like a scared little lot! This was embarrassing. I blushed and moved away "Keith please come out from there?" Pidge tried but I shook my head "Keith, please come out here? We can help you or at least try?" I stayed silent "I'm not coming out!" I talked backed and pidge groans

"Fuck this!" She crawled under and lay beside me "I'll stay next to you til it passes over" she gave me a smile and lance looked worried "Then I might as well too" he shimmed in and looked at me and I smiled and another cracked was heard "Stop!" I yell and bury my head into lances arm "Make it stop..please"

I was in tears and I felt Lance rub my back in circles well he tried since the bed was really high enough. "Its okay, let's get out of here and I'll keep you safe okay?" I looked in his eyes as I felt Pidge hold my hand "Yeah fucktard let's get you out of this" I smirked seeing pigde act like herself. I took a deep breath and they got out first and and they held their hands out.

Lucky You ~Klance Auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें